
Most Worshipful Brother
John Ewen Sinclair, PGM
Grand Lodge of
Prince Edward Island, A.F. & A.M.;
Grand Master 1931 – 1932

The Honourable John Ewen Sinclair was born in Summerfield, Prince Edward Island, on December 24th, 1891, a son of the late Peter Sinclair, a native of Scotland, Margaret McMurdo Sinclair (Canadian) of Scottish extraction.

He was educated at the public school, Springfield, Prince Edward Island. He began life as a farmer and is still engaged in his chosen profession.

He has been prominent in the public life of Canada for many years, being a member of the House of Commons for twelve years prior to 1930, when he was called to the Senate. He was sworn as a Privy Goundillor in December, 1921, and was a Member of the Government from that date to 1925.

His Masonic career began in 1913, when he was initiated as an Entered Apprentice, on 2nd. January, Passed, 6th. February and raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason on 6th March, in Mount Zion Lodge No. 12, Kensington, Prince Edward Island, and was elected and served as Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1918. He is Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, near the Grand Lodge. of Prince Edward Island.

In Capitular Masonry he was Exalted as a Royal Arch Mason In Prince Edward Chapter, No. 12; R. A. M., Kensington, P. E. I 4 on 1st May, 1917, and elected and served as Excellent High Priest in 1923.

Is also a member of Albert Edward, Lodge of Perfection, No. 14, A.A.S.R., at Summerside, Prince Edward Island. In Grand Lodge he was Elected Deputy Grand Master in 1930 and Grand Master in 1931.

From the Proceedings of the 56th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island A.F. & A. M. (1931).