Most Worshipful Brother Albert Edward Lavers, PGM Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island, A.F. & A.M.; Grand Master 1963 - 1964
Albert Edward Lavers, Grand Master of Masons in Prince Edward Island, was born August 1, 1902, the son of Andrew James Layers, Georgetown, P.E.I. He was educated in the Georgetown Public School. In 1922 he entered the employ of the Canadian National Railways and by faithful attention to his duties rose to the position he now occupies as Road Master of the Island Eastern Division. In 1930 he married Winnifred MacDonald of Georgetown. He is a regular and valuable member of Trinity United Church, Charlottetown. Having come from a family of Masons, who contributed much to the economy and social life of Georgetown and to Saint Georges Lodge, it is only natural that he should join the Craft. February 1, 1927 he was initiated into St. George's Lodge No. 4, Georgetown. He was raised April 5, 1927, and with as tounding rapidity ascended to the top by being elected Worshipful Master of his Lodge in 1929. He is one of the Jurisdictions best ritualists and has and is still capable of conferring most all the degrees he has received, not only in his craft Lodge but in the allied orders of which he is a member. The Grand Lodge soon learned of his ability, and after serving through various offices, with distinction, the Grand Lodge elected him to the highest honor it can confer, that of Grand Master June 22, 1963. In 1954 he was exalted to the Royal Arch, in Alexandra Chapter and in 1957 he was elected as High Priest of the Chain. In 1959 he received his Royal and Select Masters degrees in Garden of the Gulf Council, Charlottetown. At the present time he is Deputy Master of his Council. He is an officer in Prince Edward Preceptory No. 35 Knights Templar. He is a member of the A. & A. S. R. having received his 14 degree in 1960, Albert Lodge of Perfection, Valley of Summerside. He is a Noble of Philae Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. Halifax, a member of the Royal Order of Jesters. He has been Secretary of the Royal Arch Mount Herbert Orphanage School Committee for the past eight years. He is the Grand Representative near this Grand Lodge of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Missouri. His main hobby is Masonry, he is very popular not only among the Craft but with all he has come in contact. His knowledge of Masonic Jurisprudence and his wise and just decisions have earned for him the love of his fellows. From the Proceedings of the 88th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island A.F. & A. M. (1963).