Charlottetown, PE
Instituted 1982 under the Grand Imperial Conclave of Canada
The Order of Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine (or Perfect Knight Mason) and providing access to the
Appendant Orders of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre Knights of St. John the Evangelist
Meeting at the Masonic Hall, 204 Hillsboro St. Charlottetown ( South of Euston St. between University Ave and Weymouth St)
or elsewhere as notified by Summons
Four regular assemblies per year on the 2nd Saturday of January, April, September, and November at 2:00 pm
with occasional Special Assemblies.
Membership strictly by invitation
Kt. Comp Doug Morton
Telephone -892-3797 - E-mail
Royal Island Conclave No. 28
Officers 2013
Most Puissant Sovereign- Em. Kt. Comp James Walker
Viceroy - Kt. Comp. Douglas Smith
Sr. General - Kt. Comp. Donald Hardy
Jr. General - Kt. Comp. Donald Rodd
High Prelate - Kt. Comp. William Lightfoot
Treasurer - Kt. Comp. William Reilly
Recorder - Kt. Comp. Doug Morton
Marshall - Kt. comp. David Bell
Orator - Em. Kt. Comp. Wayne Locke
Standard Bearer - Kt. Comp. Wendell Dawson
Perfect - Kt. Comp. Peter Campbell
Herald - Em. Kt. Comp. Vernon Hardy
Sentinel - Em. Kt. Comp. Leigh Newcombe
Historian - Em. Kt. Comp. Norman Thompson