GM Coles Visitation 2012 Master with eir charters – W Bro Eddie Baird, Mizpah, VW Bro Paul Aitken, Saint Andrews and VW Bro Lloyd Cantelo, St George’s Rememberance Day Meeting 2012 “Lest we forget” Wreath being laid byVW Bro Dick Carson Bro Robert Acorn receiving his pin from GM Co;es 2012 MW Bro Etherington giving the talk on Pillar Certificate to Bro Acorn and G< Coles 2012 Bros Glover, Etherington, Acorn and Coles 2012 Presentation of Pillar Certificate to Bro Robert Acorn By MWBro Larry Etherington, IPGM and GM Coles 2012 Presentation of Pillar Certificate to Bto Acorn 2012 W Bro Everett MacDougall age 99 2013 WM Stephen Madden and W Bro Everett MacDougall _ 99 years old 2013 RW Bro Irwin Judson, PGTreas & PGM David Hooper, Grand Historian 2012 Bros Wier MacLure age 86 (4) and Everett MacDougall (99) 2013 VW Bro Richard “Dick”Carson” (1)age 93 Bro Charles Scranton (2) age 98 Bro Scranton receiving 50 year certificate from MW Bro Norman Thompson age 87. PM Pete Campbell assisting (2) Bro Scranton and Bro Thompson looking at the certificate PM Peter Campbell presenting 55 year pin to Bro Scranton RM Campbell, Bro Scranton and MW Bro Norman Thompson GM Coles present W Bro Everett MacDougall with his 70 year membership certificate GM Coles, W Bro Everett Macgall age 100 and 70 years and his son VW Bro Noel MacDougall, 49 years a Mason Honoring W Bro MacDougall on his 100th Birthday, Gm Coles and GSec MacLaren GM Coles,W Bro MacDougall, VW Bro Noel MacDougall VW Bro Vernon Glover,GDoC GM Coles presenting W Bro Everett MacDougal with his 70 year pin. GM Joint Visitation-SAint Andrew’s, St. Georges and Mizpah 2013 GM Visitation 2013 GM Visitation 2013 Bros Montgomery, DGM, Gm Heffel and IPGM Coles Visitation 2013 Bros Rankin Keenan, Malcolm MacLeod and Doug Morton 2013 GM Visitation 2013 Presentation of 50 year pins to Bros Rankin Keenan and Malcolm MacLeod 2013 GM Visitation 2013 GM Visitation 2013 GM Visitation 2013 Bros Aitken, Keenan, Macleod, GM Heffel and Madden Bro Robert Leard 2013 Bro Leard receiving his 60 year certificate GM Visitation 2013 Bros Aitken, Leard and GM Heffel 2013 Bros Bill Reilly and Paul Aitken receiving Affiliation Certificates 2013 Bros Myers, coles, Madden, Reilly, Aitken, GM Heffel 2013 GM Heffel, WM Aitken, IPGM Coles 2013 WM Allison Myers (4), GM Heffel, WM Paul Aitken (13), WM Stephen Madden (17)