
Most Worshipful Brother
Ernest Kemp, PGM
Grand Lodge of
Prince Edward Island, A.F. & A.M.;
Grand Master 1935 – 1936

Most Worshipful Brother Howard Ernest Ward was born in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, on the 21st September, 1881.

He received his first light in Masonry on the 7th April, 1919, when he received his Entered Apprentice degree in Victoria Lodge No. 2, Charlottetown. He was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason on May 5th of the same year. In 1926 he became Worshipful Master of his Mother Lodge.

In 1923, he was Exalted as a Royal Arch Mason in Alexandra Chapter, No. 11, R. A. M., G. R. of Nova Scotia, Charlottetown, and has been serving that Chapter as M. E. High Priest, since 1932.

His Grand Lodge career dates from 1929 when he was appointed Senior Grand Steward. An intense interest in the welfare of the Craft and a sincere devotion to the duties of his office, resulted in a steady advancement. In 1932, he was appointed Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Alabama and, in 1936, elected as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island.

From the Proceedings of the 61st Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island A.F. & A. M. (1936).