Quarry Lodge 2019
Report on the Quarry Lodge held July 27, 2019
In early 2019 Mizpah Lodge #17 began planning to hold a Master Mason degree in a Quarry Lodge. No record of such a lodge being held in the jurisdiction has been found. This was an ambitious project for a small lodge to undertake and required extensive planning to set up a representation of a lodge room in an actual quarry site location and to co-ordinate the logistics of arranging for the reception of those attending.
This report attempts to offer in some detail the planning and events of the project in order that it be recorded in the history of our jurisdiction and give assistance in the planning of any similar projects in the future.
The project proceeded according to the following timeline:
February: Motion adopted to sponsor a Quarry Lodge
April: Planning Structure for the Quarry Lodge Project
First Update from the Co-ordinator
May: Decisions to confer MM Degree for only one candidate
Barbecue ticket price $20
Saint Andrew’s Lodgeroom reserved if weather unfavourable on July 27
Recruitment of Officers for Quarry Lodge completed
June: Plan for the Day presented and adopted
Dispensation from Grand Lodge received
Recruitment of Degree Team completed
Kings County Construction agreed to provide heavy equipment for
July 17: Construction of the “lodgeroom” began
July 24: Fourth and Final Communication Update issued
July 27: Quarry Lodge Communication 2:00 p.m.
EVENT COORDINATOR: RW Bro(h)George Doughart
PLANNING COMMITTEE: Coordinator & Chair(First named) of each sub-committee
Site: RW Bro Vernon Glover, Bro Malcolm MacKenzie, VW Bro William Judson
* Liaison with Bro Harry Annear, site owner
* Assist in the selection of a site for the “lodgeroom”
* Assist in the selection and positioning of rock material
* Procure and position 10 posts for corners and "doorways"
Furnishings: W Bro Paul Drake, W Bro Floyd Stewart
* Arrange for all necessary furnishings to be delivered & set up in
“Quarry Lodgeroom”
* Arrange for the return of all furnishings
* Arrange for tables (3) for secretary, registration and displays
Regalia: W Bro Floyd Stewart
* Arrange for the delivery of Mizpah Regalia to the site
* Arrange for supply of white cotton aprons on site
* Arrange for storage and display of regalia and aprons
* Coordinate swap of regalia between Lodge Officers & Degree Team
* Collect and return regalia and aprons
Seating: RW Bro (h) George Doughart
* Establish seating areas for GLOs, PGM’s, WMs, guests,& sideliners
* Determine the need for signage for seating areas
* Procure a quantity of lawnchairs as “extras”
Parking, Transportation & Security (PTS): W Bro Malcolm MacLeod,
VW Bro Larry MacWilliams, W Bro Steve Madden, Bro Art Smith
* Determine parking areas as close to “lodgeroom” as possible
* Arrange for parking attendants at strategic locations
* Support & coordinate the transfer of ladies to the Wellness Centre
* Erect signage, as deemed required, July 27
* Provide on-site communications (cell phones, walkie-talkies)
* Security – tyling of the perimeter
Health & Safety: W Bro Ron Drake
* Provide first-aid kit, insect repellant, sunscreen, drinking water,
* Arrange delivery/removal of a porta-pottie in cooperation with site
Pre-Registration: W Bro Larry Drake
* Plan & conduct pre-registration for the Lodge Meeting, Ladies’
Program & Barbecue
* Establish registration deadline in consultation with other sub-
* Prepare for circulation to all Lodges an information sheet seeking
pre-registration and including cost of barbecue, general location
of events, date and time, dress code, bring a lawnchair if
convenient and deadline.
(Secretary to forward in time for May Lodge Communications)
* Liaison with sub-committees requiring attendance figures
Registration Desk(on site): W Bro Larry Drake
* Collect barbecue fees & distribute tickets
* Distribute Program Booklet/Agenda
* Manage the Mizpah Lodge Register
* Manage Registration Sheets for Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand
Masters, & Worshipful Masters
Ritual: RW Bro (h) George Doughart
* Resolve complications resulting from different rituals & traditions (e.g. Webb vs Nova Scotia)
* Attend Rehearsal
* Arrange borrowing of costumes for the Degree
Communications: RW Bro Irwin Judson, VW Bro Noel MacDougall
* Liaison with Grand Lodge
* Advertising and promotion
* Provision of Commemorative Program Booklet (optional)
* Produce an agenda for distribution
* Assist in the production of registration materials
* Liaison with Pre-registration Committee
Ladies Program: Bro Douglas Deacon
* Set up the Community Room at Cavendish Farms Wellness Centre for
2:30 pm program chairs, equipment for power point presentation, mic
* Liaison with Pre-Registration and PTS to coordinate transportation
between the Quarry Lodgeroom Site & the Wellness Centre
Pictures: W Bro Ron Drake
* To recruit a Brother to serve as photographer for the afternoon
* To plan for the distribution of prints to interested participants
(cost neutral)
* To prepare a commemorative album for Mizpah Library
Minutes of the Quarry Lodge
A Quarry Lodge was held on the property of Bro Harry Annear in Kings County PEI on July 27, 2019.
The presiding officers were:
Worshipful Master W Bro Franklin Sanderson Prince of Wales No 18
Senior Warden W Bro Edwin Trail Zetland No 7
Junior Warden W Bro Philip Campbell St George’s No 4
Secretary (2) RW Bro Irwin Judson Mizpah No 17
sharing duties VW Bro Wesley Palmer Mount Moriah No 15
Treasurer W Bro James Williams Alexandra No 5
Chaplain VW Bro Garth Wall King Edward No 16
Senior Deacon RW Bro Roger Clark Mount Zion No 12
Junior Deacon Bro Frank Harvey Prince Edward No 14
Director of Ceremonies W Bro Chris Vessey Victoria No 2
Tyler W Bro (h) Charles Carr St John’s No 1
Senior Steward VW Bro Doug Smith Corinthian No 19
Junior Steward Bro Eric Weatherbie Saint Andrews No 13
Historian W Bro Robert Roy True Brothers No 8
Librarian MW Bro (h) Kendal Godkin Hiram & Lebanon No 3
Musician W Bro Duncan Crawford St. John’s No 1
At 2:00 p.m. Piper Duncan Crawford followed by DOC Chris Vessey led the Quarry Lodge Officers into the Lodgeroom and after one circumambulation they took their places and were introduced by Bro Franklin Sanderson.
Lodge was then opened on the PEI Webb Ritual.
The Flag was presented at the Altar by DOC Vessey, O Canada was sung, and the Flag placed in the East.
Grand Lodge Officers (9) (including the Grand Master) were asked to retire with the DOC and were piped in and introduced at the Altar by DOC Vessey. The Grand Master, MW Bro Douglas Morton, was escorted to the East, given Grand Honours, offered the gavel, which he returned, and was seated in the East.
The PGM’s present (6) plus MW Bro Kendal Godkin (h) retired with the DOC and were piped in and introduced at the Altar by DOC Vessey. The PGM’s were seated in the East to the right of the WM and GM.
The Master Mason Degree Team (24) were asked to assemble at the Altar where they were introduced by DOC Vessey.
Members of the Master Mason Degree Team were:
Worshipful Master (Reception) W Bro Otis Butler Saint Andrew’s No 13
Worshipful Master (Ob & WTs) W Bro Scott Cousins Prince Edward No 14
King Solomon (Raising) VW Bro Robert MacDougall Prince of Wales No18
Senior Warden VW Bro Paul Burleigh Alexandra No 5
Junior Warden VW Bro David Vokey Mount Moriah No 15
Secretary (2) VW Bro Irwin Judson Mizpah No 17
RW Bro Wesley Palmer Mount Moriah No 15
Treasurer W Bro James Williams Alexandra No 5
Chaplain W Bro John MacIsaac Mount Zion No 12
Senior Deacon VW Bro Adam Campbell Prince Edward No 14
Junior Deacon W Bro Michael Delaney King Edward No 16
Senior Steward W Bro Brian Hiscock Corinthian No 19
Junior Steward VW Bro Claude Matheson St George’s No 4
Tyler W Bro Robert Stevenson True Brothers No 8
1st Craftsman W Bro Wade Caseley Mount Zion No 12
2nd Craftsman W Bro David Gauthier Prince Edward No 14
3rd Craftsman VW Bro William Lightfoot Victoria No 2
Seafaring Man VW Bro Nelson Hurry St John’s No 1
Jubela W Bro Alan Leard The Zetland No 7
Jubelo W Bro Michael Cameron Hiram & Lebanon No 3
Jubelum Bro Dene Williamson St John’s No 1
Master Mason Lecture W Bro Andrew Wight Saint Andrew’s No 13
W Bro Ronald Drake Mizpah No 17
Bro Jamie Keough Prince Edward No 14
Charge VW Bro William Lightfoot Victoria No 2
The two visitors: (Bro Paul MacKey, Mt Zion Lodge No 39, Whitby, Ontario and W Bro Paul Fraser, Union Lodge No 79 Bristol, New Hampshire) were escorted to the Altar, introduced by DOC Vessey and welcomed by WM Sanderson before returning to their seats.
WM Sanderson noted that this was a Special Communication of Mizpah Lodge No 17 for purposes of conferring a MM Degree in a quarry setting and was a historic event in the Jurisdiction with all 15 Lodges represented by at least 2 members
RW Bro George Doughart presented four resolutions of thanks which were approved unanimously in block for:
Kings County Construction; Buddhist Nuns of PEI; Roma at Three Rivers NHS (Directors and Staff); and Irwin and Joan Judson (Rusty Rover Tours).
The WM directed the Secretaries to issue the letters of thanks.
Members of Mizpah Lodge were asked to stand and were recognized for work in organizing this event.
W Bro Ron Drake was called upon to outline the health and safety provisions in place for the Communication
Regrets were recorded from: MW Bro John Rogers, MW Bro Larry Etherington, MW Bro David Hooper, MW Bro Kevin Crozier, RW Bro John Murphy, RW Bro Lloyd Adams, VW Bro David Crocker, W Bro Noel MacDougall, W Bro Aaron Baird, W Bro Fred Paynter, VW Bro Bro Rick Hardy, Bro Barry Hippenstall
There were no reports of sickness or distress.
Guest Speaker, Bro Ralph Moore, was introduced by PGM Gordon Carter. Bro Moore spoke on the building of King Solomon’s Temple with emphasis on the labours in the stone quarries where the building materials were prepared. Bro Moore was thanked by Quarry Lodge Historian, W Bro Rob Roy.
WM Sanderson placed the Lodge at Ease while the Officers vacated their places and were replaced by the Quarry Lodge Degree Team. W Bro Otis Butler presided in the East when the Master Mason Degree work began. The Obligation and Working Tools were administered/presented by W Bro Scott Cousins.
The Drama portion of the Degree was presided over by VW Bro Bob MacDougall. The Charge was presented by VW Bro Bill Lightfoot, after which the candidate signed the Lodge Bylaws at the Secretary’s station. The Candidate’s Lecture was rehearsed by Bro Jamie Keough, W Bro Ron Drake and W Bro Andy Wight.
Lodge was placed at Ease once again while the QL Officers resumed their stations.
Lodge was closed in short form at 5:15 p.m. with Bro Sanderson in East.
Approximately 90 Brethren and Ladies gathered at Roma Three Rivers National Historic Site for a steak barbecue hosted by the staff and Directors at the Site.
Attendance: W Bro Larry Drake, Registration Chairman, has established 78 attendees at the Lodge Meeting.
The cost of the project was $305.63.
The following is a list of loans and donations for the project:
Loans (L) and Donations (D):
Riverview Country Market (L) 10 stakes for corner and doorway markers
Grandview Welding Ltd. (L) Trailer yo transfer of Lodge furnishings
St John’s/Victoria Lodges (L) Cotton Aprons
Victoria Lodge (L) Collar and Jewel for Musician
David Crocker (D) Crafted Pens for Gifts
Ron Drake (L) Walkie-Talkies, Bottled Water, Photos & Albums
Paul and Vivian Drake (L) Table
Franklin Sanderson (L) Table
Bethany MacPherson (L) Table
Franklin Sanderson, Philip Campbell (D) Labour in the Quarry
Marvin Cameron (D)/(L) Posts to support the Altar stone; Photos
Ron Drake, Floyd Stewart, Irwin Judson, Larry Drake, Noel MacDougall, Arthur Jones, Malcolm MacLeod, Vernon Glover, Marvin Cameron, George Doughart (L)
Labour in the Quarry
Respectfully submitted
RW Bro George Doughart Grand Historian Emeritus
With the assistance of: MW Bro David Hooper Grand Historian 2019