
Register for the 6th Interprovincial Day Saturday 28, September 2019

St. John’s Lodge No.1 will host and open the next Inter Provincial Lodge at the Charlottetown Masonic Temple on September 28, 2019, with Nova Scotia providing the education and New Brunswick closing. There will be luncheon downstairs limited to the first 100 to register and pay. Click on or paste in this link to respond: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wKwlJWB58-jB5vU6FoqWOLXYANRFaGcIQotQxs-1eC4/edit?usp=sharing_eip&ts=5d0109f6  
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Shawn Bowman at shawnfbowman@gmail.com