
Grand Master Gordon Carter presented the 2018 J. Cooke Howatt Award for Meritorious Service, which replaces the Mason of the Year Award for this year.
  Introduction of (Left to right by Assistant GDoC VW Bro David Bell, PGSwB: AASR Most Wise Sovereign J. Cooke Howatt of the Gordon L. Bennett Chapter of the Rose Croix, Summerside, Royal Order of Scotland Sir Knight Robert H. Roy, representing the Royal Order of Scotland, Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island; Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Illustrious Brother Paul Burleigh, Honourary Inspector General, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador GM's Achievement Award 2018 to Lodges: Prince Edward No. 14, Mount Zion No. 12, Mount Moriah No.15, St, John's No. 1 and Prince of Wales No. 18   Introduction of RW Bro Timothy McGavin, Junior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Massachusetts   Introduction of W Bro Bradford Ripley, Grand Lodge of Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations and Honourary Member of the GLPEI   Introduction of RW Bro Robert Ellston, Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations   Introduction: Grand Conclave of the Order of Secret Monitor Most Worthy Brother Maurice Steeves, Grand Supreme Ruler of the Grand Conclave of the Order of Secret Monitor or Brotherhood of David and Jonathon of Canada   Introduction of Right Excellent Companion William Lightfoot, Grand Scribe, representing the Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island yy VW Bro John Hooper, Grand Director of Ceremonies.   Sovereign Great Priory Right Eminent Knight James Walker representing the Sovereign Great Priory of Canada of the United Religious and Military Orders   Introduction of Order of the Eastern Star Sister Helen Nicholson, Associate Worthy Grand Matron, Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island   Entrance MW Bro Paul Todd Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario   Greeting MW Bro Randall Nelson, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick accompanied by MW Bro Miles Graham, PGM Grand Lodge of New Brunswick     GM Carter Presenting MW Bro Miles Graham, PGM GLNB with Honourary Membership to the GLPEI   Introduction of MW Bro Jean Reed, PGM GLQC & Honourary Member of GLPEI   GM Certificate Presentation to RW Bro Philip Hooper for 6 years dedicated service as Grand Treasurer   GM Carter presenting certificates of Perfect Attendance by the Lodge Secretary, Master & both Wardens to the Grand Master's Training Seminars in 2019 to RW Bro David Haslam, Mt Zion No 12; W Bro Thomas Wright, Mt Moriah No.15: & VW Bro Steve Hennessey, St John's No.1     Grand Master Carter recognizing VW Bro Bruce Coulson's Centenarien status of his 100th Birthday Anniversary with Bruce's daughter Sharen proudly looking on..  
The Clarence Ramsay Award for 18.9 years of Perfect Attendance at the Grand Lodge Annual Visitation 2018-2019 to MW Bro Larry B. Etherington, Past Grand Master