MW Bro Paul Montgomery Annual Communication 2015Installing Officer MW Bro David Hooper, PGM 2015Grand Master Elect Donald Leary 2015MW bro Allison Coles, PGM and Grand Master elect 2015Installation of Grand Master Elect Donald Leary 2015Installation 2015GM Elect Leary kneeling for obligation2015Installation 2015Installation 2015Installing Collar of Office by MW Bro Hooper assisted by the grand Master's wife Juanita and daughter Desiree 2015Placing the collar 2015Adjusting the collar by wife Juanita 2015Grand master Leary and his wife Juanita 2015Grand Master Leary, daughter Desiree and wife Juanita 2015Assention to the Grand East 2015Presentation of his hat 2015Placing of his hat 2015Grand Master Donald Leary 2015-2016GM Leary 2015Installation DGM Edward MacLaren 2015Installation of DGM 2015DGM MacLaren 2015Welcome to the East by GM Leary 2015DGM in the East 2015Installation OF RW Bro Kevin Crozier Senior Grand Warden 2015Adjusting SGW Collar 2015Installation of Bros Donald Rodd as Grand Secretary and Philip Hooper, Grand Treasurer 2015Bros Leary and Hooper about to take their obligation 2015MW Bro David Hooper, PGM congratulating his brother Philip 2015RW Bro(h) Bob MacDonald escorting RW Bro Donald Rodd, Grand Secretary to his office 2015Installation of the rest of the officers 2015Installation of remainder of Grand Lodge Officers 2015Installation MW Bro Allison Grand Lecturer 2015Installation of VW Bro Doug Morton, SGD and VW Bro Paul Aitken JGDInstallation RW Bro Shadi Sahely GDOC 2015Installation VW Bro David Crocker Grand Tyler 2015Installation RW Bro(h) Bob MacDonald, Grand Chaplain 2015Installation VW Bro David Haslam Grand Sword Bearer 2015Installation VW Bro Larry MacKinnon, Grand Standard Bearer2015Installation of Bros Wayne Locke and Wes Palmer as Addtional Grand StewardsInstallation VW Bro Michael Learie, Grand Pursuivant 2015Installation VW Bro David Crocker, Grand Tyler 2015MW Bro David Hooper, PGM declaring Officers installed 2015MW Bro Leary, GM his wife Juanita and daughter DesireeGM Leary and Lady Juanita 2015MW Bro Clyde Townes, GMNB 2015Right Eminent Knight James Walker 2015 WalkerW Bro Rob Roy Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite NS, PEI<Newfoundland and Labrador 2015Sister Suzanne Aitken, Worthy Grand Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, Nova Scotia And Prince Edward Island 2015Memorial service 2015memorial service 2015Presentation of the flags 2015Bros Donald Leary, Shadi Sahely, Paul Montgomery 2015MW Bro Steven Allen PGMNB 2015Grand Master's Achievement Award Prince Edward Lodge No. 14 2015address of MW Bro Peter Ponsford, GMNS 2015address of 2015Address RW Bro Robert A Palazzo. DDGM, Rhode Island 2015address RW Bro Robert Huke III, DGM Mass 2015GM Montgomery leaving the East 2015GM Montgomery relinquishing his GM apron 2015Lady Michele presenting his PGM's JewelPGM Montgomery and Lady Michele 2015Presentation of flowers to Lady Michele from Grand Lodge 2015RW Bro Robert Palazzo DGM Rhode IslandW Bro Brad Ripley GL Rhode Island 2015Grand East 2015VW Bro Doug Morton Potentate 2015Mason of the year. W Bro Rick Hardy, PM 2015Presentation PG Master's Achievement Award Corinthian Lodge No. 19 MW Bro Allison Ellis, PGM and VW Bro Wayne Locke Secy 2015Presentation of Grand Master's Achievement Award. Prince of Wales Lodge No.18 2015Standing ovation for Grand Master Montgomery 20152015Outgoing GM Montgomery and incoming Grand Master Leary 2015GM Montgomery and VW Bro Shadi SahelyDGM Leary, GM Montgomery, IPGM Heffell 2015Grand Master Peter Pondsford, GMNS and VW Bro Paul Aitken 2015MW Bro Clyde Townes, GMNB And Vw bro David Bell 2015GM Montgomery greeting MW Bro Clyde Townes, GMNB2015RW Bro John Jefferies , PDDGM of NB 2015PGMS Owen Walton, Barry Ember and George Grant, PGM GLNS 2015RW Bro Robert Huke III DGM of Mass 2015W Bro Brad Ripley GLof Rhode 2015RW Bro William Stretton, PSGW, GL of Maine 2015RW Bro Robert Palazzo DGM Grand Lodge of Rhode Island 2015GL 2015Lodge Room Stanley Bridge Resort 2015Lodge Room Stanley Bridge Resort 2015East 2015East 2015GL 2015GL 2015GL 2015GL 2015Entrance of Grand Master Montgomery 2015Entrance of GM Montgomery 2015DGM Leary opening 2015 Communicatio