This completed form must be in the hands of the Grand Secretary by 1 May, 2014 to be considered. ________________________________ Lodge No. ________, would like to take this opportunity to nominate Brother___________________________________________, who is a Brother in good standing of our Lodge. He was Initiated on _______________, ____ Passed, _______________ ,___ _ and Raised _____________, _____ Date Year Date YearDateYear. Please provide below, or attach a separate page not exceeding a 300 word overview of why you feel this Brother should be considered for the "MASON OF THE YEAR AWARD." Since this award is for the past calendar year activities, please ensure you highlight the accomplishments or contribution of the past calendar year To be signed by the Lodge's Worshipful Master, Secretary. and Grand Secretary Worshipful Master: __________________________________________ Secretary: __________________________________________ Grand Secretary: __________________________________________ If your Lodge wishes to make a nomination for the Awards Committee GRAND MASTER'S ACHIEVEMENT AWARDGRAND MASTER=S ACHIEVEMENT AWARD
This award shall be known as the Grand Master=s Achievement Award. The award shall be awarded annually at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Prince Edward Island to ALL Constituent Lodge that accumulates at least 9000 points covering the period, January 1 - December 31, 2013.
ALL Constituent Lodges are encouraged to complete this form. This form must be in the hands of the Grand Secretary by May 1, 2014 and be verified as correct by the Lodge's Worshipful Master and Secretary.
Lodge Name_____________________________No.__________Date ________________
Worshipful Master: ___________________________
Secretary __________________________
1. |
Number of Master Mason degrees conferred in the calendar year 2013 (Members raised) |
x 100 |
2. |
Number of petitions for affiliation accepted in the calendar year 2013 |
x 25 |
3. |
Average percentage of total members present at all regular or emergent meetings during the calendar year 2013 (eg. 76.5% present X 25 = 1913 points) |
x 50 |
4. |
Average percentage of elected or appointed Lodge Officers present at regular meetings in 2013 (Note: Offices filled with acting officers are not considered as present) (eg. 76.5% present X 25 = 1913 points) |
x 50 |
5. |
Number of meetings featuring educational talk or instruction on some Masonic subject during the calendar year 2013 (note: Degree work counts) |
x 100 |
6. |
Your Lodge attended at least one of your own Divine Worship Service in 2013. A joint Service is eligible. |
250 points |
7. |
Number of Official Visits to another Lodge, including other provinces (Lodge to be notified prior to visit) during the calendar year 2013. Four or more members constitute an Official Visiting Team. |
x 100 |
8. |
Number of family, community activity, benevolent activities, etc., including a ladies night during the Calendar year 2013 |
x 100 |
Sub Total Points |
1 |
The following will be Completed by the Grand Secretary |
9. |
The overall total membership of your Lodge increased in 2013 |
300 points |
10. |
Percentage of your Lodge members attending Annual Visitations in 2013 |
x 50 |
11. |
Number of Annual Visitations attended by the Worshipful Master in 2013 |
x 100 |
12. |
Your Lodge's designated Grand Lodge Officer attended all of the 2013 Grand Master's Annual Visitations |
500 Points |
13. |
Your Lodge had the highest number of members in attendance at the Grand Master’s Annual Visitations in 2013 |
500 points |
14. |
Your Lodge had the highest number of members in attendance at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge in June 2013 |
500 Points |
15. |
Percentage of your Lodge members attending Annual Communication of Grand Lodge in June 2013 |
x 100 |
16. a |
Attendance of your Worshipful Master at the Annual Communication in June 2013 |
500Points |
16. b |
Attendance of your Secretary at the Annual Communication in June 2013 |
500 Points |
16. c |
Attendance of your Senior Warden at the Annual Communication in June 2013 |
500 Points |
16. d |
Attendance of your Junior Warden at the Annual Communication in June 2013 |
500 Points |
16. e |
Attendance by all of the following four Lodge Officers - Master, Secretary, Senior and Junior Warden at the Annual Communication in June 2013 |
1000 Points |
17. |
Attendance of your designated Grand Lodge Officer at the Annual Communication in June 2013 |
1000 Points |
18. |
2012 Annual Return and payment not received by the Grand Secretary on or before February 28, 2014 |
Minus 500 Points |
19. |
Report of your new Elected and Appointed Lodge Officers for 2013 not received by the Grand Secretary before January 31, 2014 |
Minus 500 Points |
Total |
This award is presented to the Lodge which has raised the most Master mason in the Calendar year and is determined by the Grand Secretary
Number of Awards Per Year
The Most Worshipful Grand Master may award up to a maximum of two awards at each Annual Communication of Grand Lodge. However, it is not always necessary to award two each year.
It has been recommended by the Jurisprudence Committee that the Award will continue at the discretion of the presiding Grand Master
The Most Worshipful Grand Master will seek the advice of the Deputy Grand Master, for the names of candidates each year. All recommendations for the awarding of the “J. COOKE HOWATT ORDER OF MERITORIOUS SERVICEAWARD” must be through the Deputy Grand Master. The Deputy Grand Master may recommend no more then five candidates each year. .
Criteria for Recommendations
The J. Cooke Howatt Order of Meritorious Service Award is an honour bestowed by the Grand Master to recognize the contribution of an individual Freemason. In order to venerate the Order, it is paramount that all candidates are outstanding Freemasons, be of high exemplary personal principals, be of good moral character, and contributors to the overall community.
Principles which the award recognizes are those which each nominee practices so well and publicly in his Masonic life. For example, principals that will be taken into consideration are;
Strong Family man with high moral beliefs
Strong faith and belief in God.
Visiting sick, shut ins, widows on a regular basis.
Helps the disadvantaged
A shining example of the fraternity in his public endeavors.
Does his best to "advance masonry" both at the Lodge and Grand Lodge Level
Organizing and providing transportation for cancer and other patients.
A strong ritualist
The following details are required for all nominees
- Name in full
- Home address
- Year of birth
- Marital status & Spouse's name in full (if applicable)
- Masonic affiliations and history
- Military/Police service ( if applicable )
- Civic and community organization involvement
- Awards or recognition received
- Individual’s Lodge
Wearing The Award
Recipients of the J. Cooke Howatt Order of Meritorious Service Award will wear the
Award at all Masonic Communications, Memorial Services, Masonic Services,
functions and events.
Final Authority for Awarding of Order
The Deputy Grand Master may receive recommendations for the awarding of the J. Cooke Howatt Order of Meritorious Service. However, the final selection of recipients is at the discretion of the Grand Master.