Committee on Fraternal Relations

MW Bro Paul Montgomery, PGM (14) Chairman

MW Bro Donald Leary, PGM (15 & 18); MW Bro Wayne Newson, PGM (8)

Committee on the Constitution

MW Bro Errol C. Monkley, PGM (1&3) Chairman

RW Bro Roger Clark, PJGW (12) : VW Bro George Lyle, GCHAP (3)

Committee On Grievances and Appeals

MW Bro Donald Leary, PGM (15 & 18) Chairman

MW Bro Paul Montgomery, PGM (14); MW Bro Allison Coles, PGM (18); MW Bro Errol Monkley, PGM (1 & 3); MW Bro Wayne Newson, PGM (8)

Committee on Petitions, Returns and the Work

MW Bro Allison Coles, PGM (18); Chairman,

MW Bro Edward MacLaren, PGM (13 & 18); MW Bro David Mosher, PGM (1); RW Bro John Murphy, GSec (15)

Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence

MW Bro David Hooper, PGM (18) Chairman

MW Bro Allison Coles, PGM (18); MW Bro Errol Monkley, PGM (1 & 3)

Committee on Audits and Accounts

W Bro Allison MacDonald, PM (18); Chairman

W Bro Michael Delaney,(16):RW Bro Maurice Steeves, PDGM(NS) (2)

Trustees of the Benevolent Fund

VW Bro Steve Hennessey, GDoC (1) Chairman

RW Bro Donald Rodd, PGSec (18) VW Bro David Bell, PGSTB (1 )

Board Of General Purposes

RW Bro David Haslam, DGM (12), Chairman

MW Bro Douglas Morton, GM (1)

RW Bro Wesley Palmer, GTreas (15)

RW Bro John Murphy, GSec (15)

MW Bro Gordon Carter, IPGM (18)

RW Bro Michalel Learie, SGW (1)

RW Bro Larry MacKinnon, JGW (8)

MW Bro Kevin B. Crozier, PGM (3)

MW Bro Larry Etherington, PGM (15)

MW Bro Donald Leary, PGM (15 & 18)

MW Bro Paul Montgomery, PGM (14)

MW Bro David Hooper, PGM (18)

MW Bro Errol Monkley, PGM (1 & 3)

MW Bro Cooke Howatt, PGM (15)

MW Bro David Mosher, PGM (1)

Committee on Bursaries

VW Bro William Lightfoot, GChap (1) Chairman

RW Bro Shadi Sahely, JGW (2); W Bro Geoffrey Mondoux, PM (2)


Proceedings Booklet

RW Bro John Murphy, GSEC (15) Chairman

MW Bro Douglas J. Morton, GM (1)

VW Bro Gordon Jenkins, PM (15)

Library and Museum

VW Bro Murray Rusk, GLib (2) Chairman

MW Bro David Hooper, PGM (18); MW Bro Douglas J .Morton, GM (1)) RW Bro John Murphy, GSEC (15)

Grand Lodge Picnic (U/C)

MW Bro Kevin Crozier, PGM (3) Chairman;

MW Bro Donald Leary, PGM (15),  Co-Chairman

VW Bro Eric Ferrish, SGS (3); W Bro Michael Cameron, WM (3)

Amalgamation and Lodge Closures

MW Bro Douglas J. Morton, GM (3) Chairman

RW Bro David Haslam, DGM (14)

RW Bro John Murphy, GSec (15)

145th Annual Communication

RW Bro David Haslam, DGM (14)  Chairman

RW Bro Michael Learie, SGW (1)

RW Bro Larry MacKinnon (8)

MW Bro Douglas J. Morton, GM (3)

RW Bro John Murphy, GSec (15)

Education Day, Planning and Entertainment

MW Bro Larry B. Etherington, PGM (15) PEI Inter Provincial Lodge Meeting Committee Representative

Membership Database Technical

RW Bro John Murphy, GSec (15)

VW Bro Gordon Jenkins, PM (15)


W Bro Christopher Vessey, PM (2)