WM John Murphy 2005 MW Bro Harley Ings MW Bro David Hooper, GM and WM John Murphy 2005 DGM Heffel. GM Coles, PGM Etherington, W Bro Vokey 2012 W Bro Vokey, Bro Alastair Rogers, Bros Darrin Stordy, Bro Paul Beattie, GM Coles PGM Etherington 2012 W Bro Vokey, , Bro Walter Riehl (50),MW BRO Etherington Bro Eric Parker Crockett (50, GM Coles 2012 GM Coles and WM David Vokey 2012 Rememberance Day 2013-Hiram and Lebanon Lodge No. 3 GL Visitation 2013 Hiram and Lebanon Lodge GL Visitation 2013 Hiram and lebanon Lodge No.3 GM Visitation Hiram and Lebanon No. 3 Grand East GM Visitation 2013 Hiram and Lebanon Lodge No. 3 RW Bro Montgomery, DGM, GM Heffel, IPGM MW Bro Coles 2013 RW Bro Donald Leary GM Visitation Hiram and Lebanon Lodge No. 3 2013 Guarding the West 2013 W Bro Vokey GM Visitation 2013 This says it all VW Bro Reg MacRae, PGP receiving his 50 year pin 2013 Bros Vokey, MacRae and GM Heffel, Hiram and Lebanon Lodge No. 3 2013 VW Bro MacRae saying a few words 2013 GM Visitation 2013 Bro Michael Cameron and JGW RW Bro Vernon Glover, 2013 W Bro Daniel Morrison, 2013 W Bro Morrison receiving his 60 year certificate from GM Heffel 2013 W Bro Morrison receiving his 60 year pin from WM Vokey 2013 Bros Vokey, Morrison and GM Heffel 2013 GM;s Visitto Hiram and Lebanon Lodge No. 3 2013 GM;s Visitation to Hiram and Lebanon Lodge No. 3 2013 RW Bro(h) John Murphy 2013 Draping of charter GM’s Visitation 2013 Memorial Service GL Visitaion 2013 Draped Charter 2013 Preparing to drape the altar 2013 GM’s Visitation Hiram and Lebanon Lode No. 3 2013 Memorial Service -Hiram and Lebanon Lodge No. 3 2013 RW Bro (h) John Murphy2013 MW Bro Larry Etherington 2013 Memorial Service 2013 VW Bro Dick Carson & VW Bro Doug Morton, GDoC 2013 VW BRo Dick Carson and VW Bro Doug Morton 2013 VW Bro Dick Carson laying the wreath 2013 Moment of silence Placing of Poppies 2013 Placing of poppies 2013 Placing of poppies 2013 Placing of Poppies 2013 MW Bro Larry Etherinhgton narrating Memorial Service 2013 PGMS Howatt, Hooper,Newcombe and MacKenzie PGMS David MacLean and Heber Ross 2013 G Treas – RW Bro Philip Hooper VW Bro William Bryanton 2013 GM Heffel and WM Vokey, GM\’s Visitation 2013 Hiram and Lebanon Lodge No. 3