MW Bro Allison A. Coles
Grand Master
2012 -2013
He attends St. John’s Anglican Church, Milton, serving on the Property Committee and has been conducting services as a Lay Reader for over 30 years. Serving on the PEI Carpentry Advisory Board he has helped rewrite the Carpentry exams, and has helped to shape the direction of the trade in PEI. He has spent countless hours on the Milton Hall Committee, organizing Concerts, Fundraisers, and events; Chairman of Miltonvale Park CIC; and member of the Charlottetown Area Regional Planning Board. In addition to sitting on the Board of Directors of Camp Gencheff, a year round Camp for handicapped persons of all ages, for the last 12 years, he has been instrumental in completing several construction projects at the Camp. He is Vice Chairman of the Floral Hills Memorial Gardens Co-op Board of Directors; a non-denominational Cemetery located West of Charlottetown.
In 2000, a need was felt for a Shriner’s Drum Corps. Coles was one of the first to sign up, and the Corps has played for the enjoyment of the crowds at the Summer and Christmas Parades. In 2003 Rev. Evelyn Knorr asked, “is there some way we can make our services more interesting?”; Bro. Coles answered the call, and along with two other persons, The Just For Fun Band was born. Monday night was known as Band night for practice and this has been the practice ever since. Their first performance was on Jan 11, 2004, and since then they have performed over 200 times at Church Services, Concerts, Seniors’ Homes and Community Events. He is also a member of SMUG, the Saturday Morning Ukulele Group who play at Church Services and Seniors’ Homes. Bro. Coles also teaches ukulele at Community School classes in the winter.
MW Bro. Coles Married Linda L. Boswall of North Wiltshire on July 22 1967, they have one son Robbie, deceased, and two daughters, Dianne Garnham and Sandra Coles, and still resides on the family farm in Milton, where he and Lady Linda, and daughters Dianne and Sandra own and operate Coles Moulding and Woodworking Ltd., manufacturing wood mouldings and components for the local market and export to Canadian, United States, Caribbean and other world markets.