

Regent Chapter No. 52

Central Bedeque, PEI

Instituted October 4, 1955

Constituted May 31, 1956

Meets on the 3rd Tuesday in each month except January and February at 7:30 pm

in the Masonic Lodge, Central Bedeque (At the north-east corner of  intersection of Trans Canada Highway and Route 110)

Contact: Regent Chapter No. 52

Fran Harding, Secretary

2710 Rte 20, Darnley

 PEI C0B 1M0

Telephone: 902-836-5275     E-mail fran-seabreeze@pei.sympatico.ca


Regent Chapter No. 52

Officers  2019-2020

Worthy Matron                        Debbie Fox P.M.

Worthy Patron                         Darroch Fagan P.P.

Associate Matron                     Michele Gallant P.M.

Associate Patron                      Garth Wall P.P.

Secretary                                  Fran Harding P.M.

Treasurer                                 Norma Wall

Conductress                             Anna Carr  P.M.

Associate Conductress           Norma Thompson  P.M.

Chaplain                                  Melda Johnston  P.M.

Marshal                                    David Crocker

Organist                                   Helen MacEwen P.M.

Adah                                        Jane Oliver

Ruth                                         Beth Whyte

Esther                                      Margie Fagan


Electa                                       Donna Crocker

Warder                                     Charlie Carr

Sentinel                                    Carl Thompson P.P.