RW Bro (h) George Doughart presenting W Bro Fred Quinn with Affiliation Certificate 2015 Grand Master Leary presenting Bro ALbert Aitken with his 60 year pin 2015 GM Leary presenting Bro George Poole with his 60 year pin 2015 MW Bro David Hooper, PGM giving his history talk 2015 DGM Ed MacLaren giving his presentation 2015 RW Bro(h) Bob MacDonald, RW Bro Kevin Crozier, SGW, MW Bro Larry Etherington, PGM and Grand Master Leary 2015 IPGM Montgomery, RW Bro(h) John Murphy and Grand Master Leary 2015 GM Joint Visitation-SAint Andrew’s, St. Georges and Mizpah 2013 GM Visitation 2013 GM Visitation 2013 Bros Montgomery, DGM, Gm Heffel and IPGM Coles Visitation 2013 Bros Rankin Keenan, Malcolm MacLeod and Doug Morton 2013 GM Visitation 2013 Presentation of 50 year pins to Bros Rankin Keenan and Malcolm MacLeod 2013 GM Visitation 2013 GM Visitation 2013 GM Visitation 2013 Bros Aitken, Keenan, Macleod, GM Heffel and Madden Bro Robert Leard 2013 Bro Leard receiving his 60 year certificate GM Visitation 2013 Bros Aitken, Leard and GM Heffel 2013 Bros Bill Reilly and Paul Aitken receiving Affiliation Certificates 2013 Bros Myers, coles, Madden, Reilly, Aitken, GM Heffel 2013 GM Heffel, WM Aitken, IPGM Coles 2013 WM Allison Myers (4), GM Heffel, WM Paul Aitken (13), WM Stephen Madden (17)