In addition to the gifts already noted there are numerous items within the Lodge Room that honour the memory of Brethren who have faithfully served their Lodge, their community and their country. The Honour Rolls in the West list the names of twenty-two Brethren of the Lodge who served in the Great War and thirteen others who served in WWII. The ‘Memorial Book’ was donated to the Lodge on December 8, 1998 by the families of the late Brethren Percy Dawson, Robert Dawson and Ronald Dawson in their memory. V.W.Bro. Lorne Seaman PM and Mason of the Year (1984) and V.W.Bro. John Myers PM are also honoured with Citations and Jewels displayed with their respective portraits.

The changes in total membership in True Brothers Lodge reveals an interesting pattern throughout its history. At the time that Mount Moriah Lodge was established, True Brothers Lodge was left with eighteen members. That number doubled in less than one decade but in the years leading up to the Great War there were many demissions. In 1918 the Lodge raised eight candidates and reinstated twelve bringing the total membership to sixty. The decade prior to the opening of the new Lodge Room was also one of rapid growth in the Lodge. Sixty-seven Freemasons were raised between 1919 and 1929 bringing the membership to one hundred. True Brothers Lodge experienced the same losses during the Great Depression as many others in this Jurisdiction. The drop of 25% was soon recovered after the War when the membership rose to ninety-seven by 1950. Unfortunately the number has been in slow decline for the last half-century and now stands at thirty-eight including nine Life Members.

True Brothers Lodge has continually made a strong contribution to Freemasonry in this Jurisdiction. Compared to most other rural Lodges, True Brothers has had a high proportion of Grand Masters within its membership. The judgements, the writings and the bequeaths of many of its leading members have greatly enriched Freemasonry in Prince Edward Island. And, yes, the Annual Curling Bonspiel reminds Freemasons that fun and fellowship are also important within the Fraternity.