The Lodge celebrated its Seventh Anniversary on March 5, 1885. Refreshments followed by music and speeches were enjoyed by the Brethren and several invited guests. The Worshipful Master was W.Bro. John Newman.

The first report of attendance at Divine Worship in full Masonic Regalia was on January 31, 1886 when sixteen Brethren assembled in the Lower Hall. The Worship was conducted by Bro. T.B. Reagh. The collection was donated to the Prince Edward Island Hospital. The first attendance at public Divine Worship was on December 27, 1891. The Grand Master, M.W.Bro. Donald Darrach, joined his own Lodge Brethren at the Episcopal Church in Kensington. The sermon was given by W.Bro. Thomas Lloyd.

The Lodge recorded its first attendance at a Masonic Memorial Service on July 7, 1888. The Brethren met in the Lodge Room at 9:15 a.m. and travelled to Malpeque for the burial of W.Bro. D.S. MacNutt. The Lodge was convened at the Forester’s Institute in Malpeque to resume Labour. (future Lodge Room for King Edward Lodge No. 16) Twenty-four Brethren including Grand Master, M.W.Bro. John Yeo, were in attendance. The Worshipful Master was W.Bro. H. A. Leslie. The Orator was R.W.Bro. Neil MacKelvie, Deputy Grand Master, assisted by W.Bro. William Hunt PM.

The Lodge first met in the Kensington Hall also known as the Civic Hall. It was located on Victoria Street East near the intersection of Commercial Street and the site of the present War Memorial. The Hall was managed by the Board of Directors and the Lodge rented the second storey. Although some of the Hall Directors were members of the Lodge, the Brethren had several disagreements with the Board of Directors particularly over the maintenance of the building and the rental fee. The Brethren were responsible for all maintenance and services within the Lodge Room. That reality must have prompted the rather urgent motion on November 7, 1878 when a committee was appointed to procure a stove and fuel and to “have the same by next Regular Communication.”

In 1878 the Lodge signed a five-year rental agreement at $35 yearly. In 1882 the Lodge was successful in having the rate lowered to $25 in a new five-year agreement. In 1888 the rate was further reduced to $15 annually. Meanwhile the Brethren lobbied hard to have the Hall Directors carry out needed repairs to the building. In 1902 a five-year agreement was signed providing for an annual rent of $25 and the promise of repair work by the Hall Directors. The Brethren were not satisfied with the outcome and one year later planning for a new Lodge Room began.