True Brothers Lodge No. 8
Attendance at Divine Worship was first reported on December 14, 1875 when the Brethren received a Dispensation to attend the Wesleyan Church on St. John’s Day. On October 12, 1915 a motion was adopted to attend Divine Worship each year during the Festival of St. John the Baptist (June 24) or as near that date as possible.
Some of the most puzzling pieces of the Masonic story in this Jurisdiction concern the records of discussions on the move of True Brothers Lodge from Tryon and the establishment of a new Lodge for the Brethren of the area. Although the majority of the Brethren lived at the extreme ends of the True Brothers’ Jurisdiction, it was certainly not evident where the original Lodge would relocate and where the new one would be established. Debate on that decision was a source of friction and led to the early and firm intervention of Grand Lodge.
It appeared from a close examination of the Lodge Minutes that the friction referred to by the Grand Lecturer in his Report of June 24, 1891 was partly due to the quality of the Minutes. There was some evidence that the Minutes in that critical interval did not always reflect the outcome of discussions on the topic of moving the Lodge. In theMinutes of March 11, 1890 the following summary appeared: “Some remarks were made by the brethren in reference to starting a Lodge at Victoria or rather moving True Brothers to Victoria.” That entry in the Minute Book was crossed out with pencil and a revision was pencilled in viz. “Some remarks in reference to dividing True Brothers Lodge into two lodges so as to enable the Brethren more opportunity of meeting ….” There wasn’t any indication of who made the change or when it was made but clearly the reference to a move to Victoria was not shared by a majority of the Brethren. The Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master were again in attendance at the next Regular Communication of True Brothers on September 9, 1890. The Grand Master suggested that the issue of moving True Brothers be “laid over until the next regular night.”
The Minutes of the next Regular Communication on January 13, 1891 contained several approved motions concerning the move of True Brothers to Cape Traverse, the equal division of Lodge funds between the Brethren of Cape Traverse and Crapaud areas, the resolve to start a new Lodge at Crapaud as soon as possible and the establishment of a committee to evaluate the furnishings. Below the signature of the Secretary was a notation that he and the Junior Deacon demitted. There wasn’t any motion to that effect in the Minutes. At the Regular Communication on July 14, 1891 the ‘former’ Secretary was successful in his request to affiliate and was listed as the Junior Deacon in the Minutes of that Communication. At the Regular Communication of September 8, 1891 the Worshipful Master asked that the Minutes of the meeting of January 13, 1891 be read. When that order was complete he requested “that everything in reference to the removal of True Brothers Lodge be expunged from those records.”