The Brethren had also contacted the local Hackett Lodge L.O.L. No. 1484 to rent space in their Lodge but in a letter dated February 2, 1926 the request was denied. Undated records of a meeting for the purpose of electing the first Officers show the following results for the principal Offices:

Worshipful Master Bro. Shannon M. Daniel
Senior Warden Bro. Jesse A. Lefurgey
Junior Warden Bro. Frank Bagnall

(File Document)

Proceedings henceforth would indicate that W.Bro Daniel was a strong task master.

A Petition was sent to Grand Lodge on January 6, 1926. On January 16 Grand Lodge returned the Petition requesting that the petitioners sign their own name in full on the document and that the stamp of the Seal of Prince Edward Lodge be impressed. W.Bro. R.J. Anderson PM of Prince Edward was contacted and the completed document was returned to Grand Lodge on February 4, 1926. (File Document) Following his research on “The Formation of Prince of Wales Lodge A. F. & A.M.” V.W. Bro. Hooper stated he found nothing official to indicate that Prince Edward Lodge approved its May, 1923 Resolution until January, 1926.

The Hunter River Brethren were busy in February, 1926 with arrangements for an interim lease and setting plans for a new Lodge Room. On February 16 a motion was passed to erect a new hall 25′ X 60′. Bro Daniel forwarded detailed plans to the architect, James Harris, in Charlottetown on February 17. On February 24 Bro. Daniel informed the architect that he had not confirmed receipt of the letter of February 17 containing the plans. A lot was purchased from the late Dr. Rodgerson’s widow for $200. Watson Waye was selected as the contractor for all work. The lumber was cut in Frank Bagnall’s woods and sawn in Pope Bagnall’s Mill in Hazel Grove. Several Brethren assisted with this work. Wiring of the new hall was done by Palmer Watson Electric at a cost of $98 (36 outlets) plus train fare to Hunter River and two days lodging.

The Dispensation from Grand Lodge to institute the new Lodge was issued on October 26, 1926. Equipment for the Lodge was ordered on October 28. That order was followed by eleven letters and two telegrams before the material was received in January, 1927. Bro Daniel obviously expected prompt responses to his requests. A meeting was held in the kitchen of the new Lodge Room on November 1, 1926 at which time thirteen requests for Demits from Prince Edward Lodge were prepared. The Demits were issued to the following Brethren on November 5, 1926: Philip Bagnall, Frank Bagnall, Archibald Barrett, Eldon Seaman, George Green, D.M. McLeod, J.W. Patterson, Russel Campbell, James E. Andrews, Archibald G. MacLeod, Frank Andrews, John McSwain McLeod and Bruce D. Howatt. (Proceedings, 1927, p.72)