Freemasons know that bountiful meals accompany many Masonic ceremonies and Visitations. The Brethren of King Edward seem to have garnered the highest commendation over the years for the quality of their repasts. Several Grand Masters have drawn heavily from the annals of etiquette and culinary lingo to describe the food and hospitality at King Edward Lodge. M.W.Bro. W.K. Rogers referred to “a fixed custom of King Edward Lodge to cordially receive and royally entertain.” (Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1908 p.19) M.W.Bro. D.F. MacDonald in reporting on his visit of May 19, 1909 stated that Lodge was closed and “in less time than it would take to tell it we were doing ample justice to the magnificent viands that would tempt the appetite of an entertainers.”
In June, 1973 King Edward Lodge hosted the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge in the newly-renovated Lodge Room. M.W.Bro. Clarence Walker, Grand Master, presided with one hundred and seventeen Freemasons in attendance. The Brethren of King Edward spared nothing to make the occasion special. The noon luncheon in the lower Banquet Hall featured a lobster plate served by the Malpeque Women’s Institute. Ticket sales totalled $378 with the Lodge having paid $138 for the lobster. The appointment of a ‘Trouble Shooter Committee’ suggested that no detail should be forgotten.
Like many Lodges in the Jurisdiction King Edward had a special fraternal relationship with a Mainland Lodge. In the 1970’s King Edward enjoyed two visits from the Brethren of Carleton Union Lodge No. 8 in Saint John, New Brunswick. W.Bro. Vince Bentley, who had been a member of King Edward Lodge before moving to New Brunswick, was instrumental in arranging the visits. Carleton Union Lodge had a membership of two hundred and forty. A Special Communication was held on May 15, 1976 when fifty-two Brethren from the two Jurisdictions attended. W.Bro.Clair Crozier, the Worshipful Master, welcomed all Brethren including W.Bro. J.H. Lee of Carleton Union, M.W.Bro. Dalton PGM of New Brunswick, M.W.Bro. Fred Hickey, Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island and R.W.Bro. A.E. Campbell Junior Grand Warden. Carleton Union Lodge presented the Master Mason Degree to two candidates from their Jurisdiction - Bro. Clifford and Bro. Smith. The Brethren from Carleton Union and their ladies were treated to a lobster supper in the afternoon. Brother Dalton presented the Lodge with a Gavel to mark the visit. (A picture of the occasion is displayed in the Lodge Room)
Carleton Union Lodge returned for a Special Communication on May 5, 1979. The Master Mason Degree was again conferred on two guest candidates - Bro. Smith an Bro. MacNulty. W.Bro. Ernest Doull, the Worshipful Master, welcomed forty-four Brethren from the two Jurisdictions including M.W.Bro. Douglas M. MacDonald, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island and Worshipful Master, Bro. Brian Biggins of Carleton Union Lodge.