The generosity of the Brethren was evident in the matter of furnishing the new Lodge Room. Approval was given to purchase carpet in March 1871 with cost not to exceed £60. Fifteen Brethren immediately offered £2/10 each and one Brother offered £5. In September 1874 a subscription list was opened to fund the purchase of an organ. At the November Communication it was announced that forty-six Brethren and one lady had subscribed $167. The organ cost $100 and the balance was set aside to purchase a Banner.

The Brethren of Victoria Lodge often experienced long delays in completing their transactions with the Grand Lodge of Scotland because of the great distance. The dissatisfaction showed in the following Resolution of December 26, 1865 “whereas for the past two years or more the Officers of Victoria Lodge No. 383 have been totally neglected by the Grand Secretary. Therefore Resolve that Bro. Thomas Duncan PM of Scoon and Perth Lodge No. 3, Scotland be appointed Proxy Master to represent this Lodge in the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Resolve that a Commission and the necessary amount be forwarded to the said Proxy.” The Office of Proxy Master was included in the Lodge elections each October and Bro. Duncan held the position until his death in 1870 at which time the Office went to his son, Bro. William Duncan. At the Regular Communication on March 25, 1874 a motion was passed authorizing Bro. Duncan “to procure a suitable dress that will enable him to appear in the Grand Lodge of Scotland in the colour of Victoria Lodge No. 383 P.E. Island.”. On the eve of the formation of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island in 1875 Bro. Duncan forwarded his letter of resignation. (Minutes, April 28, 1875) A Resolution was adopted including a vote of thanks for the “efficient services” performed by the Proxy Master. In noting the end of formal ties with the Grand Lodge of Scotland, the Brethren resolved “that this Lodge shall ever entertain the highest respect and esteem for the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Scotland.” A request was made to retain the Charter as a memento. Almost fourteen years after Victoria Lodge severed its formal ties with the Grand Lodge of Scotland, R.W.Bro. John W. Morrison, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island and the first Worshipful Master of Victoria Lodge, received a Gold Jewel for the Office of Right Worshipful Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. (Minutes, February 4, 1889)