Although the Charter was dated June 27, 1951 it was not presented until May 27, 1955 following several inquiries by the Brethren of Corinthian Lodge. In explaining the delay M.W.Bro. Malcolm MacKenzie, noted that Grand Lodge had not presented a Charter since 1927 (Prince of Wales Lodge No. 18 was chartered in 1926). M.W.Bro. H.R. Carruthers PGM who had signed the Charter presented it to V.W.Bro. Errol Stetson, Senior Grand Deacon, and through him to the Worshipful Master, Bro. Clifford Livingstone. On that occasion the Grand Master dedicated the Treasurer’s desk which was a gift to the Lodge from Mrs. A.J. Matheson in memory of her late husband who was a Charter Member of Corinthian Lodge. The first Brother to be installed as an Officer of Grand Lodge was W.Bro. Errol Stetson PM who was appointed Grand Pursuivant in June 1951. The present Grand Lodge Representative is R.W.Bro. John Rogers, Deputy Grand Master (2000)
Corinthian Lodge has met in the same Lodge Room since 1950. Many of the Brethren had shares in the local Hall Company and space for the Lodge Room was rented on the second storey. Over time the Lodge secured most of the shares and gained ownership of the Hall which is now managed by a Board of Trustees. The lower level has been rented to the Home Hardware Store. Corinthian Lodge and King Solomon Chapter No. 28 Royal Arch Masons also pay rent to the Hall Company.
The earliest meetings were concerned with financial affairs, preparation of Bye- Laws and processing applications for membership. The earliest recorded Minutes of Corinthian Lodge are of a Special Communication on November 2, 1950. To assist with operating costs each Brother was requested to pay $1 for his Apron. Seven Petitions for membership were received at the second Regular Communication in December, 1950. The first members to be raised were Lionel Livingstone and Leslie Gorrill on March 16, 1951. The Bye-Laws were adopted on February 16, 1951 and were approved by Grand Lodge on June 25, 1952. A later amendment to change the night of meeting from the third Friday to the third Thursday was approved by Grand Lodge in 1958.
The minor strains that challenged the relationship between Corinthian Lodge and Zetland Lodge in the early years were soon dissipated as the two Lodges came together for various joint activities. Jurisdictional disputes were noted at first but the intervention of Grand Lodge in 1954 brought lasting harmony to the situation. The two Lodges enjoyed many social functions together. Zetland Lodge was invited to the first Ladies’ Night Banquet in Corinthian Lodge in November 1950. The practice had to be discontinued two years later however because of space limitations. Attendance at the Banquet in 1954 was one hundred and five. In 1984 the two Lodges began the custom of holding joint Installation of Lodge Officers on St. John’s Night. The first such Communication was held at Zetland Lodge where M.W.Bro. Errol Stetson PGM conferred the Installed Master Degree on W.Bro. Lorne MacNeill (Corinthian) and W.Bro. Vernon Hardy (Zetland). The joint Installations rotated between the two Lodges until 1991. On January 20, 1983 Corinthian Lodge hosted a joint Communication with Zetland and Alexandra Lodges. Lodge was opened by Worshipful Master Bro. Donald Hardy and his Lodge Officers of Zetland. W.Bro. Arthur Brisebois and the Officers of Corinthian Lodge conducted the business and Lodge was closed by W.Bro. Arthur Millar and the Officers of Alexandra Lodge. Three Fellow Craft were raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason by V.W.Bro. Allison Ellis, Grand Standard Bearer. The Brethren raised were Bro. Garth Ferguson, Bro. Harry MacAusland and Bro. William MacLennan.