
Three members of Corinthian Lodge have been elected as Grand Master of the Jurisdiction:

M.W.Bro. Errol R. Stetson (1959-60) was pleased that ‘The Governor Fanning Medallion’ was approved as an Award by Grand Lodge for distinguished Masons in this, as well as other Grand Jurisdictions during his year in the Grand East. (The Award never materialized because the Board of General Purposes decided in 1961 that $500 to have the die cast was too costly.)

M.W.Bro. Randall B. Boates (1979-80) served as an Additional Steward in 1977 and Deputy Grand Master in 1978. At the conclusion of his Address in June 1980 he recommended that Grand Lodge consider holding its Annual Communications outside the City of Charlottetown. (In the previous twenty years the Communication had been held in Charlottetown on seventeen occasions.)

M.W.Bro. Allison Ellis (1990-91) presented a Plaque to the Constituent Lodge that had the most Past Masters in attendance at the Grand Lodge Visitation. M.W.Bro. Ellis also initiated the practise of presenting certificates to Masons who attend all Visitations and the practise of presenting the Canadian Flag at the Altar and the singing of ‘O Canada’ at the Opening of Lodge and the retiring of the Flag and the singing of ‘God Save the Queen’ at the Closing.

Pictures of the three Grand Masters are suitably displayed and a treasured snapshot of the three Brethren together is mounted in the East.

Four Brethren were given the Honorary Rank of ‘Very Worshipful’ in 1996. V.W. Bro. Harding Boulter received the honour from M.W.Bro. Harley C. Ings while M.W.Bro. Bruce Small granted the honour to V.W. Bro. Coulson Wood, V.W.Bro Neil MacKay and V.W.Bro. George Dewar. In September, 1997 Bro. Dewar was granted the Honorary Rank of ‘Right Worshipful’ by M.W.Bro. S. Forrest Dumville.

W.Bro. Gerald Cornish P.M. was honoured in 1993 when he was named ‘Mason of the Year’ for 1992-93 by the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island.

The Brethren of Corinthian Lodge are justifiably proud of the Corinthian Community Home that they established in the 1982. The $ 275,000. project was first considered in the Lodge at the Regular Communication in December, 1980 when W.Bro. George Dewar PM spoke of the inadequacy of care facilities for seniors in the O’Leary area. The Planning Committee for the project consisted of R.W.Bro. George Dewar (chairman), W.Bro. Lester Brennan PM, M.W.Bro. Randall Boates PGM, W.Bro. Douglas Adams PM, W.Bro. Neil MacKay PM and M.W.Bro. Errol Stetson PGM. The Committee conducted a study of the needs for seniors’ care facilities in the area and developed a plan for C.M.H.C.. Gerald Adams was the contractor for the ten-unit complex which is located at 620 Main Street in O’Leary. The lot was purchased from W.Bro. Arthur Brisebois PM in August, 1982. The Committee faced some delays in dealings with C.M.H.C. but the commitment was solid and construction began in the autumn of 1982. On October 20, 1982 Bro. Dewar signed the mortgage on behalf of the Lodge.