The Official Opening of Corinthian Community Home was on January 15, 1983. Grand Lodge convened at 10:00 a.m. and at 2:00 p.m. the Brethren marched in Grand Procession with a live band to the Opening Ceremonies at the new home. In the best tradition of Freemasonry M.W.Bro. James I. MacKay, the Grand Master laid the Corner Stone. The facility was consecrated with the traditional corn, wine and oil. An ornamental trowel is displayed in a beautiful case in the Lodge Room to commemorate the event. A time capsule to be opened in 2083 was placed in one of the Ashlars at the front entrance of the Home. Boaz is inscribed to indicate that M.W.Bro. James I. MacKay opened the Home in January, 1983. The Brethren enjoyed a lunch at the home of Bro. Brisebois, the Worshipful Master, following the ceremony.
The Home is managed by a Board of Directors from the Corinthian Lodge which also administers a reserve fund to cover emergency repairs. In 1995 the roof had to be replaced. The Brethren were disappointed that poor workmanship was partly responsible for that unexpected problem that cost $10,593 to correct. In 1998 the government subsidy for rent was ended and the directors had to consider increasing the percentage of the tenants’s pension that was required to meet operating costs.
Corinthian Lodge had a membership of thirty-four when it operated ‘Under Dispensation’ in 1951. That number doubled in the first decade of work and the Lodge reached its highest total membership in 1964 when seventy-six Brethren were listed. Since that time the total membership has shown a steady decline and the Lodge presently has a membership of forty-seven including nineteen Life Members.
Corinthian Lodge has modelled the principles of Freemasonry within the Lodge Room and in the larger community throughout its half-century of existence. The many practices and traditions within the Lodge which show respect for deceased Brethren, Past Masters and Brethren in need are highly commendable. The initiatives of the Lodge in the area of Health Care, community spirit and support for the elderly and those in need are most worthy. Happy Fifty in 2001!