Some of the unique furnishings in the Lodge Room were donated by Brethren of the Lodge. The bell mounted in the East was retrieved from a street car in Boston and donated by W.Bro. Fred Livingstone in December, 1983 in memory of his father W.Bro. Lionel Livingstone. Prior to being presented to the Lodge, the bell was used at the farm of David Livingstone in Dunblane to summon the farm workers to their meals. The bell is now used by the Lodge to signal ‘low twelve’. (Interview, V.W.Bro. Harding Boulter, April 25, 2001) The clock featuring the emblem of the Square and Compasses on the face along with a candle snuffer and the Door Knockers were donated by M.W.Bro. Errol Stetson PGM. The pen stand on the Secretary’s desk was presented to the Lodge by W.Bro. George Dewar PM. The item was a gift presented to Bro. Dewar’s step-father-in-law, R.W.Bro. Russell G. Drummond DDGM by his Mother Lodge, Nation No. 556 in Spencerville, Ontario in recognition of his sixty-two years in Freemasonry including thirty-three as Secretary of his Lodge. In 1972 Bro. Drummond donated the Masonic light bulbs presently used in the Lodge and wiring was added to enable the Lodge to replace the candles as Lesser Lights. The tiny ‘Forget-Me-Not’ Pin in frame under glass with accompanying commentary was a gift from W.Bro. Peter N. Pate, a native of O’Leary and a member of Dominion Lodge in Baden-Baden, West Germany. The ‘Forget-Me-Not’ was the emblem of the Craft in Germany during the Nazi Regime when Freemasonry was suppressed. After the War the design was adopted as the official emblem of Freemasonry in Germany. The presentation was made to Corinthian Lodge in May, 1987.
Corinthian Lodge has been diligent in honouring its Past Masters. The Past Masters’ Gallery is a very meaningful addition to the Lodge Room. The tradition was established on June 21, 1962 and the Brethren have worked faithfully to display in sequence the pictures of all Past Masters since 1950. The Masters’ Roll, a memorial to W.Bro. Douglas Adams PM, is a composite of individual wooden plaques bearing the names of all Past Masters. It is mounted in the East. It was presented by the Adams Family in October, 1988. An additional Scroll was pledged by the Family on June 25, 1998. The tradition of presenting each retiring Master with a Masonic Bible is another honour bestowed by the Lodge on its Past Masters.
The means used to honour and memorialize deceased Brethren in Corinthian Lodge is worthy of commendation. A Memorial Page is set aside in the Minutes Book and a beautifully designed template containing a profile of the deceased Brother’s Masonic career is attached thereto. Since 1977 the Lodge has also given a monetary donation to the ‘Travel Fund’ of the Shriners as a memoriam. Following the recent purchase of forty new chairs for the Lodge Room several of the Brethren and families of deceased Brethren have placed commemorative plaques on individual chairs as memorials to former Lodge members.