
Like many Lodges in this Jurisdiction Corinthian has a special association with a mainland Lodge. Corinthian Lodge established fraternal relations with Westmoreland Lodge No. 44 in Port Elgin, N.B. in the 1950’s. The link was through W.Bro. Wendell Scott, a native of Port Elgin who retired in West Point, Prince Edward Island. In November, 1951 W.Bro. James Smith and W.Bro. R.M. Goodwin from Westmoreland visited Corinthian Lodge and presented a set of Batons that were crafted by Bro. Goodwin. In 1972 Corinthian Lodge contributed $20 to the building fund of Westmoreland Lodge. The Corner Stone of the new Westmoreland Lodge Room was laid by Bro. Scott. When Bro. Scott died in 1992 four Brethren from Corinthian Lodge visited Westmoreland Lodge and presented a plaque to his nephew in recognition of his uncle’s contribution to Freemasonry in the two Lodges.

Throughout its history Corinthian Lodge has maintained a schedule of social activities that is more varied than in most Lodges in this Jurisdiction. The Annual Banquet in November began in 1950 and continues to be the highlight of the Lodge’s social calendar. The meal is catered and a guest speaker is engaged. The only year without a banquet was 1968 when the Entertainment Committee left it too late to engage a catering group. The holding of a spring lobster supper began in 1992 as a fundraiser for the Community Health Centre. The event has been held in the United Church Hall and all meals are take-out. Each year more than $1500 is raised at the supper for the Centre’s Capital Campaign. Barbecues and/or lobster boils were annual events for more than thirty years starting in the 1950’s. Those family activities were held at various sites in the area including West Point Cook House, Bro. MacKenzie’s cottage, Keith Gard’s shore and Mrs. Bell’s site. The lobster meal in 1973 cost $2.50. In the 1950’s and 1960’s the Brethren arranged several social evenings which began with a hockey game. Monies raised at those events were placed in a special fund called ‘Share The Fun’ and were used to support various charities. In 1968 the Lodge organized bowling for interested Brethren at the Alberton Lanes.

Corinthian Lodge has given significant financial support to health services in the O’Leary area. In October, 1956 the Brethren voted $450 to furnish a room in the Community Hospital. In 1974 $400 was voted for the Community Hospital with a pledge of $200 additional in 1975. As recently as July, 1997 the Lodge donated $2000 to the O’Leary Community Health Foundation with a further pledge of $1000 annually for three years. Records show that between 1950 and 1994 the Lodge contributed more than $5000 to the Foundation. In 1980 the Lodge petitioned to establish a school for the deaf in the Province instead of having patients travel to Halifax. The Lodge also has a tradition of taking a special collection to assist needy families at Christmas.