In 1944 M.W.Bro. T.A. Dawson, the Grand Master, noted that almost 25% of the membership of Zetland Lodge was in the armed forces. (Proceedings, 1944) In 1944 the Lodge voted to remit the dues of Brethren overseas. The Lodge collected $15.95 to send cigarettes to the Brethren and sons of Brethren in service. In November 1945 the Lodge appointed a committee to prepare an Honour Roll to hang in the Lodge. In May 1948 two of the Brethren volunteered to help collect the names for the Honour Roll. A new committee was appointed in July 1949 to prepare an Honour Roll. In October 1985 it was noted that W.Bro. Kenneth Quigley PM had compiled the names of those who served in WWII. To date an Honour Roll for WWII has not been placed in the Lodge Room.

In the late 1940’s the Lodge became embroiled in a controversy involving two of the Brethren. A domestic issue resulted in a charge of unmasonic conduct being presented in the Lodge on December 9, 1949. A Special Communication was called and the issue was discussed in full after which a motion was approved to drop the charge. The charge was repeated in January 1949 and again the Lodge voted to ‘drop the charge’. On February 10, 1949 both of the Brethren were present and a lengthy discussion ensued on the constitutionality of the Lodge’s decision. The complainant took the matter to Grand Lodge and the accused laid a criminal charge of libel in the Supreme Court. In December 1949 a deal was reached immediately prior to the case going to court. In January 1950 Zetland Lodge was advised by the complainant that the charge was being withdrawn.

In April 1950 M.W.Bro. Harry MacFarlane, the Grand Master, and several of his Grand Lodge Officers visited the Lodge. Bro. MacFarlane raised the issue of the trial with both of the Brethren present. The Grand Master urged the two to come together and to settle the case. M.W.Bro. Donald Baker PGM invited the two Brethren to attend the Altar and make matters good. The complainant reviewed the case from its beginning and expressed a desire to seek a resolution. The accused “strongly rejected” the idea. At the next Regular Communication of Zetland Lodge the accused objected to the version of events as read in the Minutes of the April Communication and laid his own charge against the original complainant. The Brethren of the Lodge, having endured more than a year of controversy on that issue, were perhaps relieved somewhat when both members were granted their request for a Demit on June 8, 1950. In his Address at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge in June 1950 M.W.Bro. H.B. MacFarlane, noted that it was his “disagreeable duty to attend Zetland Lodge No. 7 for the purpose of inquiring into certain discords which had developed.”

In 1950 several Brethren from the O’Leary area petitioned for the establishment of a new Lodge in their community. On July 13, 1950 Zetland Lodge recorded its willingness to support the establishment of a new Lodge in O’Leary. The dividing line was set at Bloomfield Corner. Corinthian Lodge was chartered in June 1951. Zetland Lodge recorded the largest membership in its history in 1950 at ninety-eight. A total of twenty-five Brethren demitted between 1951 and 1953 largely as a result of the establishment of Corinthian Lodge.