Recovery began in 1954 and the Lodge had a very productive decade. As a sign of the commitment of the Brethren a list of thirty-five prospective Masons in the Jurisdiction was developed at the Regular Communication in December 1953. All were invited to the Social Evening on St. John’s Night. It is significant that twenty-three candidates were raised in the Lodge in the following seven years. A Lodge Library was initiated in November 1952 with material and financial donations immediately forthcoming. The Lodge Regalia was refurbished in 1954 with sky blue base and silver trim. A collection was taken in 1958 to purchase three suits for candidates to wear when taking degrees. The annual dues were increased to $6 in 1957. Total annual arrears averaged $200. The Lodge Room was painted in 1957 and the Brethren voted to host the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge but were unsuccessful in their request. All was not labour during that era of progress as a notation in the Minutes of July 9, 1959 reveals. “W.Bro. Herb Leavitt gave a humorous reading. After a Free and Easy half-hour spent in social conversation and smoking the Lodge was closed in due form with prayer.”

Beginning in 1965 Zetland Lodge endured a decade of relative inactivity and significant decline. The membership dropped from sixty-nine in 1965 to forty in 1975. The Masonic Hall and Lodge Room were allowed to deteriorate, several members took Demits while some others moved from the Jurisdiction. Annual Returns were not submitted and arrears escalated. A summary of the Lodge’s Communications reveals the degree of inactivity: During the decade only thirty-nine Regular Communications and fifteen Special Communications were held. No Communications were held in 1972. Less than six Regular Communications were held each year excepting 1970 when ten were convened. Many of the Special Communications were Masonic Memorial Services. The Regular Communications were poorly attended and discussions tended to focus on options for the future of the Lodge. The Worshipful Masters during that quiet period were W.Bro. Richard Jeffery (1965), W.Bro. Frank Weeks (1966-69) and W.Bro. Reagh Callbeck (1970-74).

The Lodge’s One Hundredth Anniversary passed with only brief mention. On October 1, 1967 the Brethren attended Divine Worship at Alberton United Church as a celebration of the Centennial. Fifty Brethren including several from Alexandra Lodge No. 5 and Corinthian Lodge No. 19 attended the Worship. Zetland Lodge was opened and closed by King Solomon Chapter R.A.M. No. 28, O’Leary.

Grand Lodge was concerned over the prolonged inactivity in Zetland Lodge. The Grand Lodge Visitation was held each year except in 1971. In 1969 M.W.Bro. S. Leaman Caseley attempted to revive the Lodge. In September, Bro. Caseley along with the Deputy Grand Master and Senior Grand Warden met with four of the faithful Brethren of Zetland to plan for resumption of work. On October 23, 1969 the Grand Master issued a Dispensation to Zetland to hold a Special Communication “for the purpose of reactivating the Lodge and planning a winter program.” Fifty-two Notices were issued but only eight Brethren attended. The Treasurer reported that $200 of arrears had been collected. It was decided to hold one more Communication. Thirty-four Notices were issued and five Brethren attended on November 20.