Hiram and Lebanon Lodge No. 3
The Minutes of the Regular Communication November 12, 1956 reflect the volume work in the Lodge during that year. The business included approval of Minutes, consideration of seven pieces of Correspondence, report of an Investigating Committee, approval of payment for several bills, reading of three Petitions for membership, appointment of Investigating Committees and decision on two members in arrears. Following the business the Lodge went from Labour to Refreshment to enable the Brethren to visit the Compton Funeral Home to view the remains of late Bro. J.E. Morrison. The Lodge returned to Labour and the Grand Lodge Officers were received for the Annual Visitation. M.W.Bro. James R. Murphy, the Grand Master, addressed the Lodge. Several presentations were made before the Grand Lodge retired. The Lodge approved motions to join the Century Club at the Prince County Hospital and to invite Grand Lodge to hold its Annual Communication in Summerside in June 1957. Lodge closed and a social followed with refreshments served by the Baptist Good Fellowship Group. One hundred and seventy-six Brethren were in attendance. The Lodge merited ninety points toward the Grand Master’s Award during the Communication.
During the 1950’s the Lodge had an efficient Degree Team which was renowned in the Jurisdiction. On May 18, 1959 the Lodge Officers conferred six Master Mason Degrees as a courtesy for four Fellow Craft from Orient Lodge No. 11 and two from King Edward Lodge No. 16. Forty-five Brethren attended. W.Bro. Roy E. Boates presided.
In 1958 the Lodge organized a Masonic Choir under the Direction of W.Bro. William Conkey who was stationed at C.F.B. Summerside. Bro. Conkey was a musician who had been raised in King Hiram Lodge No, 104 in Saskatchewan. W.Bro. W.S. Burns was the Worshipful Master in 1958 and he acted as the Manager for the Choir. Mrs. William Forbes was the organist. The first public performance was at Divine Worship in the Summerside Presbyterian Church on June 22, 1958. Ninety Brethren were present.
Over the next five years the Choir accepted many invitations to perform. During the Grand Lodge Visitation on November 10, 1958 M.W.Bro. Errol Stetson, Grand Master, requested that a Lodge of Sorrow be held in memory of Brethren lost in the last two Wars. The Choir assisted with the presentation. One hundred and sixty-six Brethren attended the Communication. The Lodge spent $1000 in new furnishings for the Lodge Room prior to the 1958 Visitation. A picture of the Choir appeared in the Guardian of January 15, 1959 showing twenty-five members. The Choir shared in the Week of Prayer Services in Summerside in 1959 and also performed during the Visitation in 1959. The Choir participated in the Annual Music Festival for five consecutive years. Certificates acknowledging winning performances in the Men’s Club Choir and Men’s Chorus Classes are displayed in the Lounge Room. When Bro. Conkey was transferred out in 1961, Bro. Kenneth Neve became the new Director. Bro. Neve was raised on June 17, 1961. On June 11, 1962 Bro. Neve announced that he would be returning to England. The future of the Choir was discussed at the Regular Communication on November 12, 1962 and the fate was left in the hands of the Choir members. No further reference to the Choir appears in the Minutes.