The Lodge appeared to have a prolonged struggle in the adoption of a set of Bye-Laws. A committee to draft Bye-Laws was appointed in April, 1884. The Code developed by the Committee was discussed and adopted on July 20, 1885 and a copy was sent to Grand Lodge. On July 5, 1886 a representative of Grand Lodge visited the Lodge and inquired about the Bye-Laws. He was informed of the Lodge’s work. The Lodge proceeded to repeat the process and another copy was forwarded to Grand Lodge in November 1886. On March 4, 1889 the Bye-Laws of St. John’s Lodge No. 1 were read and after some amendments were adopted as a Code of Bye-Laws for Saint Andrew’s. The Secretary was instructed to write them out and forward the same to Grand Lodge. On July 1, 1889 the Secretary was instructed to obtain several copies of the Bye-Laws in book form.
In 1907 several Brethren within the Lodge who were resident of the Belfast area petitioned Saint Andrew’s Lodge for support in instituting a new Lodge at Eldon. The request was denied and several repeated attempts to gain approval were also rejected. The Lodge Minutes indicate that the Brethren did not support the Petition because of concerns related to the lack of proper signatures on the Petition, the qualifications of the nominee for Worshipful Master, the location of Ante Room in the proposed Lodge Room and the ability of the Officers to confer Degrees. None of the twelve petitioners had served as Worshipful Master in Saint Andrew’s. Finally on July 3, 1911 the Lodge voted to support the latest Petition and to recommend to Grand Lodge that Mizpah Lodge be instituted. Thirteen Demits were noted in the Annual Return of Saint Andrew’s Lodge in 1911.
Saint Andrew’s Lodge enjoyed several visits by Brethren from Lodges in Massachusetts in the years prior to WWI The visiting Brethren were referred to as the ‘Boston Bunch’ and first they visited the Lodge on August 11, 1910. On that occasion the nine American guests presented a Gavel that was crafted from wood taken from the American Warship ‘Constitution’. In 1911 the Boston Bunch returned and presented a large Holman’s Edition Altar Bible inscribed with the names of eight members of the Boston Bunch. The Bible has survived the two fires and is safely stored in the Lodge Room. In 1913 three members of the Boston Bunch visited Saint Andrew’s Lodge and presented a set of Charts. The Worshipful Master was W.Bro. Atwood MacKay. On April 6, 1914 W.Bro. C.C. Thompson presented a picture of the Boston Bunch that had been forwarded to him as a gift for the Lodge. A copy of the Lodge’s acknowledgement for the gift was engrossed in the Minutes. Unfortunately the picture was destroyed in the fire of 1950.