Saint Andrew’s Lodge maintained the tradition of a St. John’s Night celebration until 1940. W.Bro. Harris Jordan was installed as Worshipful Master by M.W.Bro. L.M. MacKinnon PGM on December 27, 1940. Following the Installation the fifteen Brethren present enjoyed a social evening with games of carpet ball and refreshments. In 1941 the election of Officers was changed to October with Installation in November. Following the Regular Communication in December the Brethren went to a restaurant for lunch at the expense of the Lodge. At the Regular Communication on May 4, 1942 the Brethren approved a change in the Bye-Laws to allow election of Officers “between September and December inclusive and the Installation of newly elected and appointed to be at the Regular Communication next following not being later than December 27.” Since 1941 the Officers have been elected in September and installed in October.
The Brethren established an early tradition of celebrating St. John’s Night with food and entertainment. On some occasions the excitement over the event prompted some shortcuts in the official business of the Communication. After Installation on December 27, 1887 “the Brethren seeming anxious to partake of the supper which was being prepared in the Hall, the Lodge closed in form.” The first reference to a goose supper on St. John’s Night was in 1891. Bro. Thomas Smith proposed the idea and the Minutes record that “joys had no bounds when he learned that his motion was seconded and carried unanimously.” The ladies were included for the first time in 1892. In 1922 the Brethren opted to replace the meal with ‘a smoker’. The first Open Installation occurred in 1927. The Brethren took their Regalia home to have it cleaned for the occasion. The business of the Lodge was abbreviated and the ladies were invited in for the Installation. Members and guests enjoyed an evening of card play and lunch after which the ladies retired while the Lodge was closed. The account of St. John’s Night in 1929 suggests that the Lodge did not need to import any entertainment. After the Installation the Brethren enjoyed “light refreshments and community singing some in excellent voice and no doubt the nearby dwellers enjoyed many thrills. Several solos by Bro. L.M. MacKinnon on his Horn were sweet and mellow while the deep base of Bro. Donald Martin’s voice reverberated thro (sic) the Hall. Bro. Finley supplied the music and presided at the organ, while Bro. W.G. MacDonald, when not joining in the singing, watched the dying embers in the fire glow less and less bright. Most of the Brethren took turns telling thrillers and it would be impossible to choose who should receive the cake.” (Bro. Russell Finley built an Altar for the Lodge in 1939 and the old one was donated to Orient Lodge following the fire in Souris)