
One of the most meaningful items in the Lodge Room is the ‘Brother Atwood MacKay Memorial Display’ in the West. Bro. MacKay was raised in 1906 and served as Worshipful Master in 1913 just prior to enlisting in WWI. Bro. MacKay was killed overseas on October 25, 1918. On September 2, 1929 M.W.Bro. G. Elliott Full, Grand Master, unveiled the display of Bro. MacKay’s sword, sheath, medals and portrait which had been presented to the Lodge by his mother and sister. M.W.Bro. L.M. MacKinnon PGM sounded the Last Post on the occasion. When fire hit the Temple in 1950 the display was damaged but Bro. George Lake recovered the case and its contents from the ruins. M.W.Bro. L.M. MacKinnon PGM restored the case. The Brethren obtained a portrait of Bro. MacRae which was presented to the Lodge during the Grand Lodge Visitation on October 16, 2000.

Twenty-four Brethren of Saint Andrew’s Lodge also participated in a Memorial Service for Bro. MacKay on March 5, 1933 at Trinity United Church when a Bronze Tablet was unveiled in his memory by his sister, Sara MacKay. (The oval Tablet is presently displayed in the Sanctuary of Hillcrest United Church in Montague.)

Saint Andrew’s Lodge has long been associated with a very successful annual auction in aid of children who are physically and mentally challenged. The Lodge first became involved in 1944 when W.Bro. R.K. Clements PM reported that he had a letter from the Rotary Club in Charlottetown asking Saint Andrew’s Lodge to sponsor an auction in Montague “for the aid of crippled children.” The Lodge accepted the request and Bro. Clements was appointed chairman of the Auction Committee which also included W.Bro. G.W. MacDonald PM and W.Bro. E.A. Keeping PM. The Auction was held on December 4, 1944 in the Yeo Theatre and proceeds of $580 were turned over to the Rotary Club. (Treasurer’s Report, September 3, 1945) In 1945 the Auction raised $651 for the Rotary Club. On December 2, 1946 Bro. Clements suggested that part of the proceeds of the pending Auction “be kept in Montague for to take care of any crippled children around this district.” The planning committee was expanded to six members. Bro. Clements was requested to develop rules for the use of the auction funds. The Crippled Children’s Fund first appeared in the Treasurer’s Annual Report in 1947 when net proceeds totalled $1082.70. During the 1950’s a large percentage of the funds was forwarded to either the Canadian Red Cross or to the Rotary Club. On September 14, 1959 Bro. Clements announced that he was resigning as chairman of the Auction Committee. Bro. C.D. Dutney, the Worshipful Master, replaced Bro. Clements as chairman. The Lodge formally acknowledged Bro. Clements’ good work with the Auction at a Regular Communication on October 5, 1959.