
Interest in building a new Temple developed early. In 1889 a committee was appointed to look into buying a lot for a new Lodge Room. Although several sites were considered and one was selected the Lodge deferred the issue in 1890 due to “the present state of finances.” In 1915 Bro. MacLean offered to sell the building to the Lodge for $1500 but the offer was declined. The lease continued with annual rent of $50. The interest in a new Temple surfaced again in 1921 when total membership exceeded one hundred for the first time. Saint Andrew’s Lodge was then the third largest Lodge in the Jurisdiction with only seven fewer members than St. John’s Lodge. The Brethren approved the purchase of a lot on the old Annear property west of the Methodist Church. At the April 4 Communication the Brethren expressed preference for another lot in the same area and purchase was made, however, the matter of a new Temple remained in abeyance for several more years.

A motion was approved on November 24, 1924 to build a new Temple or to find an old building and remodel it. Simultaneously a Fundraising Committee was appointed. The Committee consisted of Bro. R.K. Clements (chairperson), Bro. W.H. Poole, W.Bro. T.G. Ives PM, Bro. I.E. Burden and Bro. S.K. Todd. Bro. Clements proved to be a man of action and when he was elected Worshipful Master in 1926 progress toward a new Temple was swift and decisive.

A Building Committee consisting of W.Bro. L.H. Poole PM and W.Bro. T.G. Ives PM was appointed in February 1926. Later Bro. Clements and W.Bro. George Clarkson were added. The Brethren were not satisfied with the sites that had been purchased in 1921 and in April approval was given to purchase the MacKay & Stewart lots at 586 Main Street South. (Site of the present Temple) In May approval was given to spend up to $6000 in the construction of a new Temple. The former lot on School Street was sold to the School Trustees and construction began during the summer on a 60ʹ X 32ʹ Temple.

On September 6, 1926 Grand Lodge held a Special Communication in Montague for the purpose of laying the Corner Stone for the new Temple. Grand Lodge was opened in the Masonic Lodge Room at 3:00 p.m. with M.W.Bro. John M. Nicholson, Grand Master, presiding. The thirty-three Brethren present went in Grand Procession to the site of the new Temple where the Grand Master laid the Corner Stone with due form and ancient ceremony.