In addition to the needs that have been met through the Auction, the Lodge has used member subscription and the Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund to assist a variety of needs. One of the earliest references to benevolent activity involved the family of a Brother who was lost at sea. In April, 1890 funds were voted to assist the family. In July a subscription list was circulated to cover the costs of building an addition to the family’s dwelling. In July 1891 the Brethren obtained a picture of the Brother and had it enlarged for display in the Lodge Room. The Brother had been raised in 1884 and had presented ‘a handsome gift of working tools’ to the Lodge in May 1885. In April 1893 the Lodge voted $5 to assist in the purchase of school books for the children. The dues of those members who served overseas during WWII were remitted. The Lodge also accessed the resources of the Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund on occasion. In 1927 a request for $50 to cover the funeral expenses of a deceased Brother was denied. The Brethren repeated the request but specified ‘relief for the widow’ and the funds were provided. (Minutes, October 3, 1927) On November 5, 1951 the Lodge voted $15 to assist with the transportation of children from Montague to Charlottetown on the occasion of a Royal Visit. On May 1, 1967 the Lodge approved $100 to assist the Town in erecting a War Memorial.
In Bro. MacLaren’s chronological History under January 20, 1950 a stark message is written - “On this date St. Andrews # 13 lost their beautiful Temple by fire.” The account of the fire reveals that by noon on that day only the four walls of the Temple were standing. After having the damage assessed, the Brethren met in the Bergman Building to plan their next move. Based on a positive report on the condition of the brick and stone walls, the Brethren decided to rebuild on the existing site. The existing Building Committee was expanded and the Lodge was able to resume Communications in the Temple on May 1, 1950. The Lodge accepted the invitation from Hillside No. 123 I.O.O.F. in Montague to use their meeting room during the rebuilding period.