
Many of the Lodge furnishings have been presented as gifts from members or friends of the Lodge. The Tyler’s Sword and Belt were donated by Bro. Samuel Coucher on February 1, 1877. The Warden’s Columns were a gift from M.W. Bro. L.M. MacKinnon, P.G.M. on April 6, 1920. A silver Cup and Tray were presented by W.Bro J.W. MacPhee PM in December, 1932. The two Ashlars were from the Temple in Charlottetown that was destroyed by fire in 1955. The Senior Warden’s Apron was donated by W.Bro. Dan Ward in 1966 when he was Worshipful Master. W.Bros. Howard and Martin MacLeod presented twenty Aprons in 1987 in memory of W.Bros. John A. and Alex MacLeod and W.Bro. Hugh MacEachern. The crocheted beehive was fashioned by Mrs. Elton MacDonald and presented on December 1, 1981. The Gavel and wooden stand were presented by the widow of W.Bro. Everett Compton PM on November 2, 1982. They were crafted by W.Bro. Ben Bears PM of Mizpah Lodge and are in memory of Bro. Compton.

The names of some notable Freemasons normally associated with other Lodges in this Jurisdiction were members of St. George’s Lodge for brief periods. M.W. Bro. Roderick MacNeill was raised in the Lodge on September 3, 1863 while he was a teacher in Dundas. Bro. MacNeill later practised medicine in the New London area and was a Charter Member and the first Worshipful Master of Prince Edward Lodge No. 14 in Stanley Bridge in 1885. He served as Grand Master in 1895. M.W. Bro. W.A. MacQuarrie was raised in True Brothers Lodge No. 8. He served as Grand Master in 1947 and retired in Georgetown where he was made an Honorary Member of St. George’s Lodge in 1967. In 1980 he was recognized for sixty-five years in Freemasonry. A Fifteen-Year Tag was provided to attach to his Fifty-Year Pin. In 1985 a Bar was provided in recognition of seventy years of Freemasonry. M.W.Bro. MacQuarrie was not present for the award due to failing health. He died in 1986.

The custom of having a lobster supper in June began in 1981 and fifty-five tickets were sold for the supper in the Lodge Room on June 13. At the Regular Communication on July 7, 1981 there was agreement “ that it should be made an annual affair on or about the second Saturday of June.”

In 1986 the Lodge observed its 125th Anniversary. The Worshipful Master was W.Bro. Allison Myers. The Grand Lodge Visitation on September 23 attracted one hundred and five Masons, perhaps the largest in the Lodge’s history. A Committee consisting of V.W. Spurgeon Walker, W.Bro Elton MacDonald PM and W.Bro. Philip MacEachern was appointed to prepare a history of the Lodge. The history was presented on April 5, 1988.