
In December, 1951 the Temple was again hit by fire. The damage was mainly confined to the west end of the building with the Ante Room and Preparation Room receiving the most damage. The Lodge Regalia was destroyed. W.Bro. Robert Clements PM chaired the Committee that arranged for repair work. The Brethren held their Communications in St. George’s Lodge Room until March 1952 when they were able to return to their own Lodge Room. (MacLaren P. 44) Grand Lodge held its Annual Communication in the Saint Andrew’s Temple on June 25, 1952.

Saint Andrew’s Lodge marked its Seventy-Fifth Anniversary in 1959. Forty-four Brethren attended a Special Divine Service on July 12 at Montague United Church with Rev. Ronald Smith as guest speaker. Special music was provided by the Masonic Choir from Hiram and Lebanon Lodge No. 3 in Summerside.

The Brethren of Saint Andrew’s have ever valued the social aspects of Freemasonry and have used a variety of events over the years to fulfil that need. There were frequent references to picnics including an evening picnic at Raymond Riley’s Shore on July 17, 1967. In 1888 the Brethren met at 8:00 a.m. and journeyed to Bro. MacKenzie’s in Belle Creek for ‘a private picnic.’ (Minutes, August 6, 1888) In 1969 the Brethren invited the members of Montague Chapter Order of the Eastern Star to join the picnic at Brudenell and $100 was voted to cover the expenses. In 1995 the Brethren were guests of M.W.Bro. Malcolm Patterson, Grand Master, for a picnic at his cottage. The Brethren organized a hockey team in 1934 to play the Oddfellows to raise money for K.C.M.H. The basement of the Temple was renovated as a Recreation Room following the fires in the 1950's and the Brethren voted to assemble on the second Monday of each month for social activities. Tournaments for the Brethren in Cribbage (December, 1952) and tuna fishing (July 24-26, 1970) were recorded. Lobster suppers were referenced in the 1950’s and 1960’s with Murray Harbour North as the site. Social evenings with the ladies were popular. Those gatherings were often held in the Lodge Room.

Saint Andrew’s Lodge has established strong fraternal relations with several Craft Lodges in other parts of Atlantic Canada. The first reference to such interaction was recorded on February 8, 1968 when a letter was read from Horton Lodge No. 132 in Kentville, Nova Scotia expressing interest in visiting Montague and attending Lodge. A Special Communication was held on May 18, 1968 to host fifteen Brethren from Horton Lodge including the Worshipful Master, Bro. Hugh Burnley Cann, who had been raised in Saint Andrew’s Lodge on August 5, 1957. Bro. Cann demitted in March 1962 and moved to Kentville. Bro. Cann and his Lodge Officers conferred a Fellow Craft Degree during their visit. Saint Andrew’s made a return visit to Horton Lodge in August 1968 and conferred a Master Mason Degree. The Brethren presented a locally-crafted Gavel as a gift. The Brethren of Horton Lodge continued to visit Saint Andrew’s Lodge until the early 1980’s.