M.W.Bro. W.A. MacQuarrie states in his History of the Lodge that some of the Masons listed in the Petition never became members of St. George’s but that there were several Master Masons residing in Kings County at that time who were members of St. John’s Lodge or Victoria Lodge in Charlottetown and who became Charter Members of the new Lodge. It is interesting to note that one of the Charter Members was W.Bro. William Hillman. He was listed as the first Junior Deacon of the Lodge in 1861. W.Bro. Hillman was also one of the petitioners of St. John’s Lodge in 1797 indicating that he was at least eighty-five years of age when St. George’s Lodge was instituted. Three of the petitioners were designated in the Warrant to be the principal Officers. However a change occurred as the designate for Junior Warden. Bro. William Watson, was replaced by Bro. David Kaye, one of the original petitioners. W.Bro. Charles Bell, PM of Saint John’s Lodge, conducted the Installation Ceremony at the Georgetown Courthouse on September 17, 1861. He had been authorized by the Grand Lodge of England to carry out the Installation.
After Bro. Bell read the Warrant for the new Lodge, he closed the Lodge on the Master Mason Degree and opened a Lodge of Entered Apprentice in consequence of the desire of the local Master Masons to initiate James Riggs that they might install him as Tyler. The candidate was balloted on, elected, received his Entered Apprentice Degree and was duly installed as Tyler. The Lodge Minutes shed little light on why an Entered Apprentice was favoured for the Office of Tyler when several local Master Masons were present and eligible. The principal Officers installed were:
W.Bro. William B. Aitken | Worshipful Master |
Bro. Robert T. Roach | Senior Warden |
Bro. David Kaye | Junior Warden |
On February 7, 1862.the fist Master Mason Degrees in St. George’s Lodge were conferred on James Riggs and Alexander MacLean.
St. George's Lodge worked on the Entered Apprentice Degree for its first fourteen years. The end of that practice coincided with the establishment of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island in 1875. The Records of the Lodge offer no explanation for the sudden change but an unspecified Dispensation from M.W.Bro. John Yeo, Grand Master, was read at the Regular Communication on August 5, 1875 when the Lodge first began working on the Master Mason Degree. Initially the Lodge only operated on the higher Degrees to install the Officers and to confer the Fellow Craft or Master Mason Degree.