
Saint Andrew’s Lodge also established relations with Welsford Lodge No. 26 in Windsor, Nova Scotia. In 1969 Saint Andrew’s Lodge visited and conferred a Master Mason Degree. The Nova Scotia Brethren were guests in Montague in September 1975. (Welsford Lodge was the Mother Lodge of W.Bro. Harold Smith who was raised in 1926 and later affiliated with Saint Andrew’s Lodge in 1965.)

During the return trip from one of the visits to Nova Scotia, the Brethren of Saint Andrew’s considered the idea of visiting a Lodge in Newfoundland. W.Bro. George Inman PM recommended Cabot Lodge No 6177 in Port Aux Basques. He had visited that Lodge previously. W.Bro. Charles Dutney contacted the Secretary and thus began a tradition of exchange visits that lasted approximately twenty years. (Interview with V.W.Bro. Charles Dutney PM, April 10, 2000) The Lodge’s first visit to Port-Aux- Basques was in September 1971 and Cabot Lodge visited Montague on June 10, 1972. (References to planned visits to Newfoundland occur in the Minutes from 1971 to 1983 but few details are provided) Saint Andrew’s Brethren planned to visit Newfoundland in August 1973 but the trip was cancelled due to a C.N. Strike. Cabot Lodge visited Saint Andrew’s Lodge on June 21, 1975 and on June 18, 1977. Saint Andrew’s Lodge visited Cabot Lodge in July 1981. On that occasion a beautiful clock was presented to Saint Andrew’s Lodge. It hangs in the Lodge Room and runs on Newfoundland Time as a token of appreciation to the Brethren of Cabot Lodge. Bro. Dutney stated that the exchanges terminated after Bro. Pike of Cabot Lodge sold his fleet of buses and transportation to Prince Edward Island became a greater hardship for the Brethren.

One of the great benefactors of the Lodge was Bro. Daniel Horton. He was raised in 1962 and after taking his Demit in 1965 he spent some years in New Brunswick where he affiliated with Corinthian Lodge No. 13 in Hampton. He returned to Saint Andrew’s in the 1980’s. Bro. Horton was a skilled craftsman in wood and some pieces of his work had particular Masonic significance. In October 1980 The Freemasons Magazine carried a picture of a Masonic Plaque that he crafted using olive wood from Bethlehem for the Square and Compasses, a stone from Mount Moriah for the letter ‘G’ and Acacia from the Dead Sea. (Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1981, p.19) In 1984 he donated a set of miniature Working Tools to the Lodge and added a replica of the Eastern Gate of King Solomon’s Temple in 1986. The latter is displayed in the East of the Lodge Room above a Plaque that acknowledges a bequest of $12,500 from Bro. Horton’s estate in 1995.