
The Lodge celebrated its One Hundredth Anniversary in 1984. W.Bro. Edward MacLaren completed a supplement to the History of the Lodge that had been written by his father, M.W.Bro. Douglas MacLaren PGM for the first eighty years. The Brethren attended Divine Worship on June 10 in Murray River United Church. The sermon was preached by Rev. Dawn Wheeler. Cabot Lodge No. 6177 from Port Aux Basques visited in June and presented an Anniversary Plaque which hangs in the west of the Lodge Room. The Brethren sported special Anniversary Hats with a Masonic Crest to mark the milestone in their history. The Lodge hosted the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge on June 23, 1984.

Seven members of the Lodge have been elected as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island.

M.W. Bro. Daniel F. MacDonald (1908-09) convened the first Grand Lodge Annual Communication in Montague on June 24, 1909. Travelling Cards were made available for the first time at a cost of 50¢ to Brethren wishing to visit other Jurisdictions. M.W.Bro. MacDonald was an ardent defender of the Constitution and Bye-Laws. He donated a second Bible to the Lodge in order that the Altar Bible not leave its place when visitors were being examined.

M.W. Bro. Lauchlin M. MacKinnon (1918-19) dedicated a new Lodge Room for Mizpah Lodge No. 17 on March 31, 1919. M.W.Bro. MacKinnon recommended a Memorial Page in the Proceedings for those Brethren “who paid war’s sad price in the late conflict.” M.W.Bro. MacKinnon caused a standard Burial Service to be prepared and ordered its use by all Lodges in the Jurisdiction. In 1945 the Grand Lodge of Scotland conferred the Honorary Rank of Junior Grand Warden on M.W.Bro. MacKinnon.

M.W. Bro. T.Gordon Ives (1937-38) was elected as Deputy Grand Master in 1921 and in 1936. M.W.Bro. Ives distributed a schedule of Degrees to be exemplified by each Constituent Lodge during the Visitation of Grand Lodge.

M.W. Bro. H. Randolph Carruthers (1950-51) instituted Corinthian Lodge U.D. and later signed the Charter for that Lodge. M.W.Bro. Carruthers was a Charter Member of the Garden of the Gulf Chapter Royal and Select Masters and the St Lawrence Chapter of Rose Croix.

M.W. Bro. Douglas D. MacLaren (1953-54) was hampered by illness during his term and was only able to visit nine of the Constituent Lodges. M.W.Bro. MacLaren was in hospital at the time of the Annual Communication in June 1954. In his Address he recommended that the term for Worshipful Master be increased to two years. M.W.Bro MacLaren compiled a Chronological Summary of Minutes of Saint Andrew’s Lodge 1883-1963.

M.W.Bro. W.Hazen MacLure (1976-77) granted a Dispensation on February 13, 1977 for St. George’s Lodge to remove its Charter from the old Lodge Room to St. David’s United Church Hall for future Communications. M.W.Bro. MacLure presided at the last Grand Lodge Visitation in the old Lodge Room in Georgetown where he had been raised in 1955.

M.W. Malcolm Patterson (1994-95) initiated the ‘Penny-A-Day’ Program to supplement the revenue of Grand Lodge and the ‘Friend-to-Friend’ Program to effectively present Freemasonry to the public and particularly to prospective Masons. In August 1994 M.W.Bro. Patterson and Mrs. Patterson presented a beautiful Past Masters’ Roll to Saint Andrew’s Lodge in memory of W.Bro. Robert K. Clements PM. The furnishing is a wooden replica of the Porch of King Solomon’s Temple and is displayed in the West.