
The following items were deposited behind the Stone in a sealed cylinder: Copy of Grand Lodge Proceedings for 1926, Copy of the Notice sent by the Grand Secretary calling the Special Communication at Montague, Copy of Notice sent by Saint Andrew’s Lodge calling their meeting for that day, Letter from the Grand Master to W.Bro. G.B. Clarkson accepting the invitation to lay the Corner Stone, Copy of the Bye-Laws of Mount Akron Chapter No. 20 R.A.M., Mount Akron Chapter Penny, Copy of the Charlottetown Guardian of September 6, 1926, A Saint Andrew’s Lodge Letterhead with the inscription “This Corner Stone was laid on 6th September, 1926 by our Most Worshipful Grand Master, John M. Nicholson, assisted by his Grand Officers, King George V on the throne, Lord Byng, Governor General of Canada, Frank R. Heartz, Lieutenant Governor, James D. Stewart, Premier, Martin MacKinnon, Mayor of Montague, Names of Building Committee members, Old coins that were the property of the late Past Grand Master, M.W.Bro. D.F. MacDonald.”

The first Communication in the new Temple was held on December 6, 1926. The annual election of Officers resulted in W.Bro. L.H. Poole being elected as Worshipful Master. W.Bro. R.K. Clements was appointed janitor at an annual fee of $50.

The Lodge Records suggest an unexpected outcome to the janitor’s stipend. At the Regular Communication on April 2, 1928 the Lodge was seeking a janitor and approved $25 as an annual wage. Bro. Clements was present at the Communication. It was noted that Mount Akron Chapter had also approved $25 for a janitor “thus giving $50 for the right man.” Forty-five years later on October 4, 1971 Bro. Clements presented a bill of $1125 for janitorial services dating back to 1926. He noted that the Lodge had always been low on funds but now it wasn’t. He indicated that he was only submitting one-half of the total owed with the other half “to be placed as an entertainment fund.” The Brethren approved payment of $1125.

The new Temple was consecrated at a Special Communication of Grand Lodge on October 17, 1927. Sixty-one members and guests assembled and the ceremony was conducted by the M.W.Bro. W.J. Drake, Grand Master, assisted by several Grand Lodge Officers.

The Lodge issued notes totalling $5500 at 5% per annum. A Special Communication was held on July 5, 1965 when the last maturing note was paid off and the Mortgage was burned by W.Bro. Robert K. Clements PM.. M.W.Bro. Harold Palmer, Grand Master, was present and W.Bro. George Ferguson PM shared a brief history of the building. (Pictures of the occasion are displayed in the Lodge Room)